Carjacks should cost energy again

i believe everyone has a right to say something regardless if its competitive or not.

you are less speedy then before and fast builds rely on speed. the heavier your build the less the penalty is dealt to your vehicle meaning that speedier vehicles suffer more from it.

its dependant on the cabin. the heavier your build is the less power penalty it has. so faster vehicles suffer more for it. in this case thats bad because a speedy car relies on being fast to outmaneuver another vehicles guns. a heavier build will just laugh it off like a laugh track.

yeah it TOTALLY sucks that you cant just drive up to someone and pop them because they have a free ā€œget off my backā€ card on their vehicle doesnt it?
yeah can you sense my sarcasm?

it DOES cost something. read its description lol. 5 seconds of slowdown and less power. you want to bring that up to 10 or 15 seconds? maybe 25 seconds and lowers your speed to 25%? common dude.

why do you even care how high people put their weapons? its not like you can strip shotguns from a normal brick anyway. why not nerf the problematic builds rather than the car jack module?

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Wrong, and thatā€™s why devs plan to make it 0.5 energy with the rework.

Iā€™m not even sure why OP made this thread or why youā€™re being a contrarian, since the matter is already solved and that has been announced in the balance patch preview. You guys are that desperate for topics, given how devs donā€™t do shit, I guess.

edit, wait, did they remove carjack from the list again? Lmao ok, this gameā€¦

nice, first you blame people for not reading devlogs, while you just melted yourself not reading it.


Devs been going back and forth like three times with this energy rework lol.Maybe if they actually patched the shit out of the game instead of posting different previews every week, I could remember what the fuck is in the game and what isnā€™t. :rofl:

I swear every time Helldivers 2 gets an actual patch, this game gets some troll post from devs telling us theyā€™ll update something, maybe, one day. And boys, they are charging way, way more than AH for that shit.

Anyway, back to spreading democracy, boys :saluting_face:

if only the devs didnt need 7 articles to tell us what will change in the upcoming update


It should cost 1 energy with the upcoming energy update, essentially 1/2 energy compared to now. Also, the spam jacking needs to stop.

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ā€œSpam jacking needs to stopā€

Ive not had enough coffee today to be reading that kinda smut


dont make a naughty joke dont make a naughty joke dont make a naughty joke DONT MAKE A NAUGHTY JOKE!!! :cold_sweat: