Caucasus and tow rework ideas

A suggestion for a rework of the Caucasus and tow


Perk rework: While on the ground user can lock onto hostiles for autonomous fire, while in the air acts as a highly accurate long range MG.

how perk works

if rotors are active: guns lock firing angle(reduced up an down aim can aim), and are manually aimed like any other MG, but they are much more accurate at longer ranges.

if wheels only or rotors are inactive: acts like currently does but gains a longer lock on range as it is an AA gun. one of a few weapons that can aim 90 degrees up.

Clarinet TOW

PERK ADDED: The tow gains new damage quirks based on modules attached, and cabs faction.

quirks of modules
engines: adds 5% damage, increase by 5% per tier max 20% at legendary
radars: adds +1 second to flight time (doesn’t stack with radar detectors)
*radar detectors: Adds +2 seconds to flight time (doesn’t stack with radars)
cloaks: adds 5 seconds of cloak to the missile.
fuel barrels: adds heating and fire pool on impact. (fire pool lasts 3 seconds dealing 5 damage per tick)
invisiblity detectors: outlines invisible enemies while in tow mode.
neutrino scope: automaticly activates while controlling the missile.
sheild modules: tow gains a 50 HP shield making it harder to destroy.
jammer modules: tow missiles can not be targeted by argus.

rotors: 3d movement while in air mode, vehicle will static hover while firing.

faction cab effects

Engineers: NA

lunatics: +15% explosive radius
nomads: +5 second flight time.
Scavengers: pierces 2m before detonating.

firestarters: adds fire damage equal to 25% of weapon damage
dawns: adds energy damage equal to 25% of weapon damage
steppen: pierces 3m before detonating, and adds 25% explosive damage.

Note: the point on the tow is it is a module heavy weapon that makes you weak, buffing the missile based on modules might be over complex but it would do well, and allow what this game is known for expermentation.

granted if the tow gets this feature, there should be a few other limit one weapons added, an MG, cannon, and course cannon with similar features. because it would be cool.

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On the tow rework would call this perk “adaptive weapon” as it would be really cool to see other adaptive weapons which function based on your modules.

just look up tow in the search engine lol :crazy_face:

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you realize how broken this would make them if it didnt have that lock on feature right? plus this would put drone users at a huge disadvantage. how fair would it be if there was 1 or even 2 people running it and a drone user who pops out their drones only to have the caucasus delete them as soon as they pop out? drones suffered enough as is, they dont need to be nerfed or hard countered any harder.

this is something that should have been done in the first place.

LOL no. we dont need invisible missiles.

use a porc or a incinerator. hell mandrakes even got fire puddles if your hungry for some. (then again they have these in raids as a variant of the wasp…)

no. i dont think it would be fair to see peoples weak spots through a perk carried through to the tow. the tow is a missile and is meant to be used as such, its not supposed to be a super missile capable of doing everything.

no. a missile is a missile. let it be destroyable like all other missiles.

again, no. it needs to be able to be countered. plus how will this even work? its a missile not an emp…

or maybe add a co driver with some of these perks. we dont need these added onto cabins.

IT literally would just be the BLue MG, you are manually using it.

im referring to automatically targeting drones with it. auto targeting drones with it would be unfair to drone users as the caucasus is very accurate with its shots.
sure you can disable it in flight but auto targeting is going to make it overpowered when near drones.

Sort of the point, giving a hard counter for drones would allow them to buff drones.

You can already just sneeze on drones and kill them.

Yeah drones need a buff, but that is unrelated to the idea.

EDIT: also parts of the idea can easily be modified or removed like that one.

Rework idea.

Perk rework: While on the ground user can lock onto hostiles for autonomus fire, while in the air acts as a highly accurate long range MG.

how perk works

if rotors are active: guns lock firing angle(reduced up an down aim can aim), and are manually aimed like any other MG, but they are much more accurate at longer ranges.

if wheels only or rotors are inactive: acts like currently does but gains a longer lock on range as it is an AA gun. one of a few weapons that can aim 90 degrees up.

your only creating more problems, not solving any.

Well removed that part in the post right above you.

They already are.

@Warbrand2 that won’t fix Caucasus.

1- Manual locking is better, shooting down drones takes literally o seconds but a chord will do as a good job as any other, Caucasus only locks with line of sight, so, having the ability to change targets it’s a must.
2- For a ground build armed with Caucasus is virtually impossible to shoot builds with rotors unless they are in the ground due to the recent nerfs in angle of fire and range.
3- Caucasus in PVP is garbage.

You want to fix Caucasus? ( ground builds)

  • give the same range as the others MGs
  • reinstate the angles of fire
  • 1100PS is way too much for such a crappy weapon , make it a Special

Look literally 2 posts above for a reework that fixes all of that.

EDIT: reworked the idea completely on the first post.