Caucasus on helis

Devs followed this one priniciple, so far anyway:
“All parts have same stats in all gamemodes.”
If they make it this time, than CW nerds will cry for rebalance, none needs this mess really.
You know how would they handle this situation if they care?? Just ban caucasus from heli gamemode. Simple as that, and they handled this sort of problems this way any number of times. Caucasus just out of place in that gamemode.

You’re doing it because you sad bunch of f*ckers actually enjoy kicking those too dumb to quit retards.
Playing party with almost 100% winrate is no fun and waste of time for any competitive player. I don’t even feel sorry for seals you club, it’s their choice. And shame to devs for making it all possible.

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I am NOT talking about giving different stats to these weapons based on the game mode, tho. I’m talking about making active rotors affect them. There is a nuance and it is certainly not breaking the “one set of rule for all game modes” thing

I’d be the last one to advocate for separate stat lines based on the mode. I think THAT would be a dumb idea.

The developers allow the Caucasus in the helicopter mode because they want you to buy the BP with the Yeti. Just like they allow the Pyre, the Hurricane or the Nest so that you’d buy the previous BP with the Flock, and now the Flock from the Market (it seems to me they reduced helicopter mobility compared to the “Off We Go!” brawl, in order to make the Flock more useful, hence needed). Or it could be somewhere in between not wanting to restrict the use of some weapons, and making some extra money. But with how there are some challenges that require using a helicopter, I’d say it’s mostly about the money. I’m glad that I somehow didn’t even unlock the Caucasus in my collection, because that alone could look weird these days.

Prioritizing autoaim enemies would reduce the amount of damage they can do to your team. Such as sniping at Caucasus users early on. And if you’re sniping and you see a helicopter hovering over a scuffle, flying in circles and looking mostly idle, that’s a nester, that’s actually doing a lot of damage. Easy to take out with any weapon, if you have a Flock. Which you should have to play this mode (hey, it’s not me forcing you to spend money on one, it’s the developers). Who knows, maybe they’ll release a jammer module in another helicopter pack, that would prevent autoaim weapons from acquiring the user, probably just for some duration, and with a cooldown.

It’s too bad we’re autoim fodder without these new expensive modules. I bought a Flock and now can troll them back. I still don’t like it, but these are choices I had to make.

If that were true, the players in the picture wouldn’t have 3 upgraded each, at 8K PS or less. That makes them look more like enthusiasts, rather than ones trying to draw attention to an OP weapon. Because:

  1. They’d want to show that it’s OP even without upgrades,
  2. They wouldn’t lose coins on investing in a weapon they don’t like, and expect to get a big nerf.

Why are the nicks hidden? Is it an ironic comment? I can’t confirm if you’re in the picture because I can’t find your account on the PC, so I’m guessing these are console players.

Caucasus are definitely a problem in lower heli lobbies. I hate no skill builds with a passion as well.

sweetheart at this stage of the game we re litterally running promo accounts , would not even come to our mind to use non fused items.
feel free to keep missing the point this is very funny.

it reads like the classic humble brag in combination with the 4d chess logic apology “its not lame if im doing it just to prove how lame it is”.

i mean: epic, did you farm all the salt too? so cool! but ofc youre not a lame sucker who regularly pays for exactly this type of gameplay experience, because youre doing it for a good cause! bravo!

also, you and your guys are definitely epic enough for the crossout balancing teams to take note of and adjust the game because of you, as youre very important.

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Making them behave differently, no weapon has that, and caucasus shouldn’t be first.
I think banning it from heli mode is the only remaining option. I mean look at it, they nerfed it’s damage, turn speed, range, firing angles, durability is rather meh, can only be place horizontally. They nerfed it in every possible way and it is still way too OP.

lots of parts influence others. Kaiju ruins your cab speed. Some perks are weapons-specific. Just slap “reduces the turning speed of autonomous weapons by 50%” in the props’ perks if it’s triggering your OCD.

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So these are just no-skill losers using OP crap. Incapable of even civil discourse. The coward hid the nicks because that’s what cowards do. Now I’m even more glad I somehow dodged the bullet of unlocking the Caucasus, playing since 2017. Thus avoiding some remote association with cowards like that.

Caucasus have so many drawbacks that to use them is brave and daring. They suck and if you can make them work well then you have skill.

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If they sucked so much, lobbies wouldn’t be filled with them.
Even in ground battles I still see them quite often. A ton more than lots of weapons that actually suck.

My clan leader uses them to great effect in Patrol for Machine gun missions. But I beat Caucasus regularly with Drones and Cloak and terrain. Just break line of sight. So easy. And the Range, just get out of range, and the stupid locking mechanism every time your target lock becomes broken. They suck. My clan leader had them when they were fully automatic which had its own drawbacks. They were once good. I will not change my mind that they suck on the ground. You would be better off with three Piercers and three Seals, then three Caucasus. Less Mass, target Weapons, lower Power Score, faster turn speed. Then you need a Detector on top of the 12 Energy. They stick up like sore thumbs. They ruined them years ago. They suck!

Try doing that in the air.

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No thank you, only when they force me.

I guess they can be powerful when you keep it down to only two weapons. keep the power score low, hide for a minute, come in and clean up wounded or occupied enemy, look like a hero.
I don’t like hiding, I want in the action, I want to ram someone, surround them in drones and ram them again. Tonight, dude is doing well with dual Caucasus, taking me after I am weakened, and my allies are stupid because I take a long time to kill my cabin and they should come help but do not then he kills them all. Also, they usually stop shooting me to target my drones which buys me time.
They ruined my clan leaders build when they ruined the Jawbreaker, deleted Hans that he paid big resources to unlock, ruined the whole synergy of a vehicle he spent mad resources perfecting and fusing everything for them to change everything about his vehicle for the worse.

Take 3 Piercers and 3 Seals, target his helicopter and turn him into a ground vehicle, get some hp and make him take forever killing you, get a cloak.

I believe they may be powerful in the air; I do not dispute that. When they nerf Caucasus more, then that will doom ground builds and ground players that waste resources on them.

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You can’t even turn to get out of the way of them as they target the cab. In the air they just shred everything inline of the target.

It’s not as much of a big deal on the ground but that’s not what the conversation is about. It’s about them in the air. What needs to happen to them only has to affect how they work in the air.

Honestly they weren’t this problematic before they changed how the targeting system worked for them. They would target anything in range and you didn’t lock on to a single target. The original design for them was a defensive unit that had higher durability than most of the other guns in the game compared to their low offensive capabilities. Players use to abuse them though by driving a lot of them into combat at the same time though. So much though that they changed them completely from their original purpose. i.e. guarding a player when they use a tow or similar weapon.

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The problem was people botting. People were botting because that game is the grindiest sh!t out there tho…

I think what they should really do is change the feature of the gun back towards what it use to be. Have it work like any other machine gun that is manually aimed most of the time but when you use something like a tow that moves you into a remote camera view have the caucus switch to AI where it targets things in range. This could work the same in both heli and ground modes and would be much less abuseable. While they are at it they should really give the tow 3d flight and make it so if you launch a tow from a heli in the air that it sticks the user at a stable hover for the duration of the flight. I would even support some more remote pilotable weapons too.

Not dumb.

Dumb is not changing it, or not do two different set of weapons for two different game modes.
Traditional XO and Helis are like Oil and Water and the proof of it it’s how differently some weapons perform in either mode…
To maintain the same performance you have to balanced them differently.
As is
Ok, a weapon is OP in one mode, but trying to mess with it to try to balance it, you are screwing up that same weapon in the other mode.

Personally i’m not a big fan of propeller mode.
My 2.2 k PS is more than sufficient and hardly used, very very sparely

  • It looks like a attack chopper
  • it can withstand large amounts of damage ( mainly from canons)
  • it’s adequate armed

So, it’s much better built than what i could build, and i’m not invested in that mode.
But i do feel the effects of that distant mode, that shouldn’t happen.
Who want to do ground to ground battles, can do it
Who want to do air to air battles or ground to air battles can do it.
Only lacking doing so seamless.

When the same weapons meet in the same mode. It can be very weird.
Because in one build is OP and in the other is simple useless, literally completely useless .

That’s exactly the problem.
You can’t say that, cause, what happens in the air has repercussions in the ground and vice versa.

If you want to talk about what happens in the air you have to talk what happens in the ground and vice versa

Right and I have the wonderful solution right there… :slight_smile:

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