Changes in the mechanics of projectile damage


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Hahaha thanks. If I was, you’d dig my games for sure! No originality tho, I’d probably go pure platformers/shmups. There’s a beauty in inventing nothing but perfecting everything.

I try to stay away from the most toxic banter, unless it’s with tenshi lol. I can’t say I’d like to be as abrasive as muppet or m420… but I can often see their point too :rofl:.
But the community can probably take credit as a whole for omni wheels tho. That was probably the most asked movement part for a solid two years.


I’mma just suggest clicking on certain people’s profiles & hitting “ignore.” It’ll make the forum more enjoyable. After seeing that a certain someone hadn’t logged on in a couple of days, then logged on and posted two trolling comments defending a 3rd account…

Well… yeah, that’s an alternate account another certain someone is using to pretend like they have “friends” or “allies” or whatever. Kinda’ funny… mostly sad… for him.

In other news…

This is where I am. A huge portion of the enjoyment of the game for me is just building stuff. I’ll sometimes log in and play for a couple of hours just building stuff or fixing old blueprints I’ve saved.

I kinda HATED it when they made all those structural parts much heavier a couple of updates back. On the other hand, I had a blast re-working all my builds.

If they break it, it just means I get to fix it.

I do understand how the folks who just pull builds from the exhibition would be extremely annoyed with this stuff, though.

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This. The core of why I started playing this game in the first place has not changed.


I went and tried the changes today for about a half hour, I like it but I think I spotted a couple small bugs that I’m pondering over at the moment as to how to word the reports.


Bugs on projectiles maybe someone can help me sum up and test this behavior I don’t think it’s intended.

Here I’m taking a shot with an 88 at the back of one of the standard range targets.

The projectile passes through the first bit of armor not taking it off but blowing off the further bit of armor…

I noticed this happening with scorpions shooting at weapons sitting in parallel too.


I think that is the intended Exec behavior now, as strange as it looks. It works like any other projectile, except damage starts 2 blocks after the point of impact. Does it means you deal zerodamage if you hit a thin panel with nothing behind? Sounds like it from the way they worded it.

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I think this is a bug but I haven’t tested it out fully. It seems to only be on weapons that have pre-existing penetration characteristics. If you manage to get on the test servers just try a few more of them 88, Scorp both do it. Just need help testing the rest of them.

the back panel is more then that…

it’s 1 block thick???

It’s 1 block thick at the point of impact but the air gap is around 14 pins give or take a few. It’s the standard garage truck you can find it pretty easy. One of the first points to notice is that first point of impact should be removed before the projectile carries threw.

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I m one of those "spaced armor abusers , and yet i m happy those changes come , as it won t change anything to the core problem of the game : shit players will remain shit, and their shitty builds remain shitty.


I’m right there with you. I’ll exploit a flaw in the game all day long - especially if it’s funny.

Well, I’ll do that within reason.

I used to build absolutely abusive wedges, and gamed the heck out of the helicopter event.

I draw the line at doing things that completely rob the fun from other players & fends them from competing. I won’t go seal clubbing, for example… So you’ll never see me in an 8k match with Porcs. That’s just lame…

But, you can bet your sweet butt I had pyres on individual triggers absolutely dominating the copters! The fact that they were being launched from a flying Christmas Tree just made it all the better. :christmas_tree::joy:

7.1. The following User’s behavior constitute unsporting conduct and is explicitly prohibited by virtue of these Game Rules:
7.1.2. Exploiting Game bugs, errors and flaws.

Sure ,enjoy your ban then , what is the line between core game mechanics and exploiting a game flaw?
spaced armor was not a flaw or exploit , as it was coded and stated that bullet damage vanished after 7 sq.
If we go this way any1 going into a battle is bannable , for one way or another , willingly or not he s exploiting some kind of “flaw” in the game.

The rules should clearly state what is allowed or not ,making life easier for everyone.

small addendum : i m always amazed by the number of players that must have quit the game because they were getting farmed by teams of experienced players at 2-3-4 K ,losing a ton of player base , hence money . And yet never even considering addressing the problem as if it was perfectly normal . (this is off topic but i almost never post in this forum , so indulge please.)

I’m curious how the armour changes will effect hover stability if they have to start using heavier pieces of armour. Will they get tippy when they lose a bunch of weight?

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So, let me get this right:

Space armor will be less relevant for specific projectiles, but its still relevant for everything else. It will still give an advantage even if its little.

So why stop using space armor?

Why change my armor scheme at all if im speedtanking, climbing walls to evade, able to ignore most of other movemen part limitations?

Every competitive car in the game uses the same armor scheme pretty much, which means it simply makes the mentioned projectiles more effective vs all.

Remember what kind of movement parts love cannons the most and are the biggest reason behind their nerfs/buffs?..Yeah.

I think the proposed changes would result in cannons being OP and would require almost a total overhaul of the game. While the effectiveness of pass through spaced armor is kinda dumb, the game has been balanced around the current “rules”.

Heavy cannon builds will be in a position to destroy ALL fast builds with little effort. Small builds dont have the mass limit to use more sturdy parts. When you take away pass-through effectiveness AND add in super penetration, we will be left with a slow game. Sure, this might make tracks playable at a high PS…but only because it sucked all the fun out of every faster part.

Change one or the other. Dont do both.

Remember that they are also intending to change parameters for cannons to prevent them from becoming excessively OP. Will they succeed? Who knows!

Edit: and as someone who played a lot of lightly armoured small fast cars back when cannons were OP, I’m not too worried. Small fast builds are hard to hit, and it’s fun for me to play under those conditions. Dodging shots is more fun than tanking them.

Small builds dont have the mass limit to use more sturdy parts.

You just said Small builds should be tanky and fast. so Tanky big build just tanky and slow?
Maybe Small builds should be just immortal?

NO… Small builds should be low dura and fast while hvy builds high dura and slow. easy as that.

If you are not able to use speed advantage as player, then just play Tanky builds instead of telling to make Small Tanky immortal fast builds.