Cheating allowed

Chad PFP andno bish in common… SCRUB BE GONE!!!

I don’t blame you not wanting to get in the middle of a schoolyard fight :rofl:

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@Poony4u , easily, my friend.
This is a today record:

Please pay attention to its aiming point to where the hits are. Bullets are also firing not at the aim.
And some more things:

  • I’d say that most of the cheaters are on PC - their look changes to instantly for a controller.
  • Don’t bother yourself writing some nonsense about “its just a bad view” on so on. I’ll bring more videos where you’ll see how that works perfectly.
  • Same for the “weapons fix and looking forward”. That is totally not the case.

@xo_guy123 , bull-shit. Have you ever being spectating? When a player is not cheating everything fires where the aiming is.
Another one, start from second 40

I have, and I’ve noticed how the reticle is often illustrating really bad aim, or seems like it, and I find it frustrating to watch. I just figured some kids are just dim, like how they still haven’t figured out how the elevator works with helicopters, or think Crosscrowns are neat. I’d rather just leave than spectate, most of the time, and that’s what I tend to do. I’m not a patient farmer, and don’t care that much for the resources.

However, I’ve not noticed anything like what I’m seeing in your video. His reticle stays in the dead center of the screen, or just disappears (doesn’t float anywhere). It’s hard to see the crosshairs in that video though.

Most of the matches I have watched behave like M420 described it, the crosshairs sort of float over the target, or wherever the player is aiming. That one looked odd to me.

IDK what’s actually going on there for sure, and have no way of verifying any of it, or even doing anything about it. I do know some kids have very magical aim, like the bots do, and I also know some guy posted a very simple controller cheat for PC here on this forum, not long ago. IDK if it actually works, but it sounded reasonable.

Another example - lasers.

On the second 27 you can see as lasers target at the enemy instead of the aim while the aim is moving to the enemy, so it is going ahead, that can’t be a result of latency or weapon slowness and other stuff. Once again, when there is no enemy they fire strait to the aim. Connection is good, aim movement is smoof.

And what are those weapons aiming at? )))

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That guy looks like he’s cheating hard af ngl :eyes: Not even surprised by the build either

The only thing that looked suspect was the inbiv nearly cab-only damage shot, the rest looks normal… the crosshair stuff is just because the spectator aim is super floaty


I don’t have time to watch the other videos, but that looks normal to me, for that kind of build.

I’m not certain whether it’s just a result of the rotation of the guns being blocked by armour, or if it’s a glitch with spectator mode, but I see that all the time when spectating on PS4, and I know we don’t have enough cheaters to explain it otherwise.

Just for clarity, you are talking about the bullets hitting the enemy, even when the reticle isn’t on the enemy? Pretty sure it’s just that the barrels can’t turn the way they are aiming, so it continues to shoot forward. I don’t typically build like that, but when I do I end up aiming more by watching the tracer effect of my own bullets. After a while you don’t even realize you are doing it.

@Poony4u , don’t make me laugh )) Maybe they can’t get the exactly to the aim because of the build but at least they should be trying to aim there and be pressed to the left details, not to the right. Another Gaijin bot detected )
@xo_guy123 , I’m not you bro, rude scholar. Breaking rules of the Gaijin website:

Watch your mouth, abusive kiddy.

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How long have you been playing the game? You’ve never noticed this before?
If it’s a PC aimbot, why do those of us on PlayStation and XBOX also see it all the time?

Why would I lie about this?

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I’ve been playing for a pair of years. And no, that was not that wide spread before.
I don’t know what do you see on PS or XBOX, here is not console and everything is quite obvious. Compare like it looks when a player is not cheating and stories like those I’ve posted. On PC you see what does it take to actually aim or just “select” target for autoaiming.

I’ll get a recording of my own aim and my friend spectating, then maybe you’ll shut up a bit. Won’t be until later though

You’re part of the Crossout dark cabal undermining player sanity to make them vulnerable targets for manipulation, and to guard Gaijin security secrets.

You were genetically engineered in a eugenics laboratory in Kazakhstan, and groomed for service since birth by your parents who are actually Russian sleeper agents, who live in suburban Canada, posing as a substitute teacher and a diesel mechanic…am I close?


And what will that prove? That you can record videos and have friends to spectate and agree with their little boss? I’ll continue to post videos. Sometimes there are weapons aiming 90 degrees to the aiming line. Just difficult to capture. Other should see. They can see that by their own eyes, I don’t have any special about my spectating.

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Sure-sure :slight_smile:

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You should just write the publisher an angry letter.

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I’m writing it here. So that others could join.
As a dessert:

Firing to the left from the aiming crosshair while it is also slowly and smoothly moving left (latency? wrong geometry view?))):

Now I am becoming curious if it’s a bug with spectator view, or my original assumption of it being due to rotation blocking armour (or slow turning weapons in other cases).

You are definitely not convincing me that it’s cheating, but I’m not totally sure what it is.

lol, not totally inaccurate!

I only lived in the suburbs for my high school years though. I was raised in an area of Canada called Mongolia, which is about as rustic as the name suggests. Lived in the big bad city for all of my adult life.
And while my parents weren’t exactly communists, by American standards they would probably seem pretty far left.

Mom used to be a nursery school teacher, and dad used to work with disabled people.

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