Clarinet Tow

so i am running this thing in pvp and yikes its strong.
sure it makes you a sitting duck but if you have a large map that would be hard for the enemy to spot you then this thing is brutal. i dont have much of a boost on mine and the reload is a bit to long but with the right set up this thing can be brutal.
i have mine on a favorite (just a random generated build) with it mounted on a Jackie and it has a 27% attack boost on top of the 15% damage boost from the Jackie. i was hitting a few builds with them and jesus i was popping people left and right. this is at 6k powerscore and i did fuse it to and got an extra 5% damage boost with an extra 1 second flight time.
i can imagine how brutal this would be on a harpy or even a hadron with that reload boost. anyone got some good builds or combos i can try?

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I picked one up when they made the big changes, and I’m glad I did. Finally, it’s actually a threat!

Lots of cabins work well with it. Harpy and Bat boost the explosive radius nicely, any of the reload boosting cabins are good, Icebox seems to work with it, and any generic damage boost cabin is good.

Like Yongwang, you’ll do the most damage when loading up all legendary modules, so it’s been a nice excuse to use all the BP modules that I rarely touch.

It can work with fast builds and cloak, to quickly reposition and avoid detection. But can also work with heavy tanky builds, especially if your reload is fast enough to deal with enemies who have got close to you.

I see a lot more of them in PVP than ever before, but I wouldn’t say they’re OP. You’re unlikely to get many MVPs, but they’re strong enough that at least you feel like you are contributing.

I haven’t tried it since the ammo change, but I bet that has made it more effective, as it’s good at popping hidden explosives.

well since everyone needs to run explosives now for their guns, minus melee builds, the weapon is very effective. hell im hitting 700+ cabin damage. the boost from jackie is really good to.

yeah i was using those to. or at least trying to. i got a tiny build thats supposed to be fast.

i think harpy would be the best one for it due to that explosive radius boost. plus its very fast and can reposition quickly. run it with a cloak to and your set. i want to try to come up with a build with a cloak and whatnot on it though its hard to fit everything on a smaller build. ehhh ill come up with something.

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I used it an aggressor cab with BF wheels to insta-proc that +21% damage and with all legendary modules with an odin as well, i had it hitting for exactly 1000 damage, hitting just the front side of a humpback cabin. If you were to hit a good spot on a build, id expect to see 2000 to 3000 damage regularly.

I just never built anything but a test build, b.c crossout isnt enjoyable with the current lag issues plaguing it like they have the last 6+ months.

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A while ago you suggested Cockpit, but I couldn’t get the perk to stay active while shooting. I suspect you might not actually be getting the Aggressor perk, unless it’s one of those perks that stays active for a short time after you release the gas.

I’m pretty sure I was able to get it to over 1000 damage without using a cabin that buffed the damage.

Even without a cabin buffing the damage, you can get some pretty big numbers now if you max out your modules.

Jackie works really well with it, and Yeti is really useful too.

Does anyone know if Dusk or Steppe Spider work with it?

Mounting it backwards on a fast build is fun, because when people start chasing you, you can smack them in the face with rockets while you make your escape.

I’m really happy the devs bothered to make this old gun into something good. Gives me hope for other seemingly abandoned items and features.

I’m pretty sure they don’t.

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For slower builds, that Mars cabin works well, but does bump you up into a higher PS bracket.
Icebox might the most consistent damage buff available for it.
(Assuming it actually works for it: I didn’t do a comparison test).

It kind of has to be strong for the Big downsides to it. I feel like its in a good place right now as I don’t see it every match and it feels fun to play but also punishing if you make mistakes.

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ghost cab solves that issue…the perk doesn’t start untill you deal damage…

again ghost cab…they’re made for each other

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Many players use king mines to protect themselves while guiding the rocket and when fleeing enemy.

Not a bad idea, although you are sacrificing damage by not using that energy for modules.

I’m pretty sure I saw @Lexi_Games playing a cockpit TOW build last night. And yes, they got at least one MVP with it. I was struggling with my shotgun build though, so was a bit embarrassed by my own performance.

Boosters allow you you to reposition and it’s pretty fun to use when I play on NA rather than try to deal with the latency on my regular build…

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