
Why do teams always drive around each other clockwise?
instead of just joining the bots who drive straight at the enemy.


I would assume uk, indian, australian and japanese would drive counter-clockwise

There are many reasons. The bot route often gets bombarded by artillery or sighted-in by snipers, sticking to the edge of the map allows you to worry about one less angle of approach for the enemy, the center of the map often has less cover, and getting to the enemy base and capping it by going around forces the enemy to engage on your terms. People also like to stick together for increased survivability, and like a lemming train follow a melee or chameleon shotgun who immediately charges the flank to buttfuck some helpless ranged build near the enemy base.

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Because you don’t want to be the first to engage and get focused on.
Bots do that, and once they engage, the conflict pulls the players there too. So, circling around, you avoid the first encounter, and then join in from the sides where you can start picking on the target of choice.

Because they somehow have this extravagant idea that they are “flanking” the enemy team.

You ain’t flanking anyone, there’s a minimap. The best strategy in any team with 2+ bots is to stick with the bots (or delay them), obliterate the enemy ones fast, and enjoy numerical superiority. In teams that are 100% players… Just watch the map and do something that makes sense instead of driving in circles when it’s obvious on the damn map the enemy team is going to 1/ cap first or 2/ murder your team from behind

I’ve seen matches where both teams exchange caps/spawns, then go fight in the middle anyway :clown_face: Crater is a breeding ground for those players.

The only map in which it makes sense is Fortress, because anything else leads to you being stuck with no line of sight in some ultra-steep hill of death.

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Not sure it’s clockwise. Certainly is most times on crater map. But other maps get more random result. The idea is to maneuver around trying to brake up the herd, pick on stragglers. just rushing in is not cool. Game is too fast-paced as it is.
Also some instincts make you want to just rush in, but facing multiple enemies is not cool, so you would want to circle around trying to catch some stragglers.
Due to different speeds of builds they inevitable spread around the map, fastest crafts make the best of this situations.

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Fast vehicles are already too OP as of now, buff heavy cabins please.

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Look at these npcs, every game on this map, crossout players are so below average IQ its wild

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They did. They made armor cheaper and tougher, and faster cabs slower. And what we get? Heavy melee meta.



All heavy cabins that are not trucker with borers on 5k PS are still total smoking garbage compared to mediums and lights…

Every-thing a heavy cabin does a medium/light can do the same thing but better…

But i’m 90% sure the reason borers became so prevalent is because shoguns got nerfed.


All I’m seeing is some random douche going off by himself and getting angery people aren’t following him like npc’s and then quitting like a whiny child


Somehow people just want something that gives easy no effort kills. I thought meta slaves would realize their sealclub moved to piercers and they start using it, make it meta, bring nerf, and thing will move on, but turns out they found something easier.
For same reason people play things like drones and caucasus. They make excuses that they want variety, but no. They want… they don’t even want kills. Just grind… for whatever reason. To get relics and whine that they are unproperly balanced.

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You make a good point here UltraLocust, people playing for grind and people playing for score are 2 different groups.
And it deserves a whole new topic, wich i am going to make now :wink:

Yeah that’s what a a trash player would think I guess

Yeah, I’m flanking the enemy team anyway beacause A: I don’t need enemy bots to aggro to my light GasGen-equipped build and B: If my team can’t read the minimap, then neither can the opponents. Most of the time anyway, all they need to do is get tunnelvisioned on being the first to steal that bot kill and they become completely oblivious to anyone flanking them.

While the tone might be discutable, there is NO DOUBT that not going to B on that map is a moronic move. It’s been obvious since day 2, yet 2 years later you still get human players being morons on this map

Tho to be fair with them, it took 4+ years for the XO community to understand that going to cap on Rock City was dumb af. Maybe in 2 years people will play that Chemical Plant map in a non-stupid way.

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Tone is indeed debatable, you have no idea why players sometimes don’t take the obvious and on average most effective roure. Could be ignorance, in that case the saying “blessed are the ignorant” applies. It may also be that they simply find the effective route boring and do something different. Which can sometimes lead to fun and surprising results. To call those players morons without knowing why they’re doing it says more about you than it does about them.

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Stone me for this, but this is a team game. You can go try LoL, pick any random champ, and troll around lanes doing “fun” stuff in PvP to see how welcoming the community is.
Obviously shit’s going to happen and someone will make his friend try the game at 14k PS, or will let his 5yo kid play two games. And fear not, the most offensive thing you’ll see me type in chat is a gg. But if your idea of fun in a team game doesn’t involve putting some form of effort into winning as a team, it should be common courtesy to go play in Bedlam or customs.

In Rock City and Chemical Plant’s case… People are having fun doing nothing on a cap while their team gets obliterated 5v8? It happens once, it happens twice, if it happens a third time you should probably not play a team game.

Note that it’s partially targem’s fault for making sure that game encourages learning as little as possible. People learned to use the minimap faster when they’d get kicked out of a server after 5 mins for friendly fire :skull:

True thing, having fun ends up very fast when your idea of fun gets smashed to bits time after time by casual meta-like build.