Guys… Come on now, just do it bit of testing. I’ve concluded you can still build wheel builds that work just fine and turn on a dime.
Yes I understand many of you are having issues with your original builds not working right. And I understand. It’s horrible to play with builds now with how a lot of you were building them on the old version. I’ve tested those and it was brutal to play with.
However I have found several wheel builds that work great. Oddly enough I will reccomend an old school build method from the hamerfall meta days. The diamond wheel set up, with non st wheels in the center and evenly distributed weight. They turn on a freekin dime and the oversteer is very very minimal. It’s fairly clean. The build I tested specifically was 4bigfoots and 4 hermits. Four wheels were non st. It could be the incline helping the wheels perform well. Idk. I’m yet to test a non inclined version. But I assume non incline builds would work too. Just make sure to evenly distribute your weight.
On another note sabbath wheels actually work better than they used to. I didn’t even have to modify any of my sabbath builds. They drive so damn clean now its beautiful. They’re kind of op. I’m asumeing claws drive as clean but I haven’t tested them.
The final key factor to clean driving is don’t just hold w. Quick tap off of the gass or use your handbrake when doing tight turns. Then u won’t oversteer at all.
That last part about using your brakes is very important.
Seems like those of us that were already using our handbrake a lot have been able to easily adjust to the wheel changes, although I think people who used only ST wheels are probably having trouble adjusting to how handbrake now works on those builds.
Personally, I’m able to better control my faster cars since the update. Things had been a little weird for a lot of the last year, but I’m loving how my fast builds feel right now.
Mass distribution also has a huge impact now, as it should.
I can get used to many things… this childish arcade interface, annoying kill and assist splashes, sluggish physics.
But why explosions are so terrible now?
Your fault for fusing all that junk. You know fused items are untradeable, you know you can’t liquidate them. And you’ve also made an immense profit off those fused items in CW. Wtf is the problem? You are sitting on 134k m8.
exchange some of those spare blue hovs for red mate keep like 12 of each or something
last I checked accel efficiency was best on blue hovs, but I honestly don’t know what is the best now
red hovers are slightly more responsive then blue hovers they have less power drain per kg, and they are less pront to tipping etc but your stuck at 75km
I’m over here zipping around people on hovers like a bumblebee on an upper. For the first time in years I neither feel guilty for playing, nor annoyed by, hovers. The wheeled roomba hover thing needs fixed again tho… that was ridiculous the first time The physics changes breaking that fix is a little much.
Which is to say… If you think hovers got nerfed… I cannot see your point of view and frankly don’t want to figure out how I should contort myself to do so.
In every single way possible, hovers are better than they were before while also making them easier to take down as an opponent.
Keep in mind I almost exclusively play augers and tracks. With a handful of higher-end wheeled builds and two omni builds. Me unmothballing my hovers? Would only happen if hovers stopped being suck -and- stopped being an auto-win.
Wheels? My gremlin dog has never so easily MVP’d and Unyielded. Full stop.
My augers, my omnis… good god I just… I love them so much… I always have, but now? Holy cow, I can switch to strafe without having to preload every directional controL???
Sideway builds are staying. Hovers coming out of this update with higher buff ever. There will be only hover teams in CW like 4 years ago. And few omni. Its out of balance. I thing previous balance was close to reality when spiders were killing dogs, dogs were chasing hovers, and hovers were killing spiders. Everyone was looking for balance of how many of them on team u take. Now there will be no thinking. Everybody goes hover. Well done.
I left the game and not even feeling any need to return or play it anymore.
Feels good to have all this free time, to work on other things.
They had a very nice game before the patch, everything was mostly balanced, besides the kami cabin which is OP broken.
Now they have a steaming pile of poo, with hovers everything.
I’m curious if you will start to see hover fire dogs soon
90% of peoples on XO are using 4 directional wheels… why?
They do that to be able TO TURN, to be able TO TURN ! ! ! !
If hover can have side cab, why wheels builds now have to not be able to drive correctly ??
I will not playing a lot cause this is now impossible, I’m near to leave for good, I will wait to see if things come back to normal, but if not… bye bye
I know that there are a lot of extreme comments here about the update. For me personally, I’m considering leaving because I’m a predominantly hover player and have found the hover changes to be so extreme that I am not enjoying the game anymore.
Hovers are supposed to be stable, essentially minimizing the rough terrain beneath your vehicle. The change has resulted in a hover that feels like it is aiming for every pothole found in a third world country! There is so much wobbling in my vehicle that it has rendered a number of my builds as unplayable.
For example, I have 4 God-roll fused Arbiters on hovers. I pair them with 3 Seals to get my sustained fire up to :22 seconds non-stop. As you know, firing Arbiters over :07 seconds results in the perk being activated. So, it behooves me to keep firing constantly for as long as possible. The problem with the hovers is that I am no longer able to do that. If I move at all, at least 1 Arbiter breaks line of sight and pauses its firing briefly, essentially resetting the :07 second perk.
My porc build now fires barrels over the enemy unless I hit the forward button to dip my front end. But this inevitably causes me to get closer to the enemy that is now on fire, resulting in me sitting in my own fire. Don’t even get me started if I am getting chased! No way I can fight back anymore if I’m backing up and still trying to launch porcs.
I have easily sunk $200K (in-game currency) into both builds above that I can no longer use in CWs. I’m considering moving on because I just don’t feel like having to rebuild my entire collection of vehicles and being forced to pivot to Bigrams and Omni’s now that hovers are unusable.