Constructive Criticisms: Wheels (Jan, 2024)

I think there might be tonnage discrepancies or peculiarities. That particular build drove fine, but would have anyway, even with the tonnage modifier described in the update.

I just wrote it off as more broken Crossout crap, stopped running tests, and ignored it after the nonsensical explanation in the announcement was revealed. You can check it out if you like.

I don’t really play this game with the same diligence I used to. This game…still needs some patches, and lots of updates to get it back in some kind of order.

It’s a mess. And I think it was mentioned elsewhere that it is a relatively small development team working on it. It is, and they’ve really turned the wrench hard on this game over the last year. I’m not expecting much from them anymore. I’m just trying to hang in there, and salvage what’s left of it that I do still like, and wishing it would get better.

Regarding traction:

It seems to me like the values for the difference in traction between different surfaces is cranked up too much. I’m ok with ice being that slippery, but sand, snow, and wetness are currently far too different from driving on normal dirt/grass. These differences impact wheels more than anything else, although I suspect it might also explain why spiders sometimes struggle on hills.

bigfoots: i use these more then any other wheel and the traction on them is terrible at times. on medium / light cabins they just slide all over the place and its very easy to lose control at high speeds with the over correcting and the lack of grip. the ST wheels are the worst for this. also its very easy to lose control as well when the weight is taken off the front of my car. my 2 train plows keep my build from sliding around and help with the balance but once those are gone my car will slide around and go out of control, pretty much being unsteerable, and i go crashing into walls alot especially at high speed.
traction needs to be better, also the slow steering really hurts them. what i mean is often times the wheels have a delay when turning so i often times crash into a wall or a team mate when i dont mean to.

omni-directional wheels: idk how to balance these or what to do with them… the wheels of this class are kinda overpowered. i do like the roller based movement part though, those are cool and i think they have a place in the game. but as for ones like omnis im not to sure.

legs: honestly i think legs have gotten a bit ridiculous. the ML200 legs seem alot worse now then before, ive been using these in the event and if i come across a hill, let alone a slight slope, then the legs slow all the way down and move extremely slow despite it saying they are moving at top speed. also they turn so ungodly slow. up the turn speed on the legs and if they are going to be that slow they should have a bit more durability. they also have a huge hit box and because of this i feel they should have more hp and resistances. at least 40% explosion resistance and 30% bullet resistance added in. think about it, these are armored legs and are very slow, they should have resistances that go with the slow tanky look of them.

Wheels need a substantial dura nerf (namely the epic variety) followed by unconditional full reverse speed and diagonal steering.

The cars in the speed racer movie have diagonal driving btw. Its ubiquitous on logistics vehicles like 4 wheel cranes and telehandlers too.

The problem with the wheels is a result of hovering and the new mechanical legs, those things allow for better weapon protection while remaining flexible, but the wheels are still being used, low ps is common and high ps is used for shotguns

Yes hovering and the new mechanical legs make this pointless, it just affects the ability of the weapon to be on tyres or tracks

Revert back the supercharged update on the wheels.

There is no dancing around the fact that they started to suck exactly after the supercharged changes. They said what, the driving felt more arcade and supercharged was supposed to “fix” that? Then make them arcade again. They are already the worst movement part in a game heavily dominated by omnidirectional movement, making them suck at moving is not going to make anyone use them more. It’s just stupid

Best performing ones are Sabbaths in my opinion, but the worst are all wheels as a whole they all suck I can’t make any of them work. They just drive bad and cost you matches out of handling like absolute crap. Honestly the only use on wheels these days feels like the fast W build of ramming into an enemy at high speed in a straight line and using fire/meelee/holding fire button. Even nimble little shotgun builds dancing around an enemy build all run Omnis these days because wheels do not handle good at all

Please read the original message…

Trying to just limit this to wheels only as to not say to nerf or impare other items to bring things up to par but rather fix the actual problems. Hope you understand.

I’m also doing this from my phone with a keyboard and mouse attached during a power outage so my responses might be a little slower.

Do you think this might have anything to do with the distribution off mass in the builds. I notice from looking through the exhibition that people often go top heavy rather than bottom heavy on lots of their builds.

I’m curious as it’s one of my least favorite wheels to but I have made little raid buggies out of them that have worked well. As we have so many build styles it also compounds the issues on them.

I think the small studded wheels that you have the CK on would be in that grouping too. That’s why I was saying it might be a bug due to the CK. If you remove the CK does the part still show up as not being in the same movement group?

I do apologize if I missed a little I’m doing this on my phone with a little battery powered light bulb over might head. Let’s see if we can compile the can do betters down and I’d the problem areas and we can try to just turn this into them at the end of the month.

Next month we can pick a different portion of the game and try to do the same thing. Hopefully my power will not be off again at the same time though lol…

I think a lot of the handling problems people complain about are related to the increased effect of mass balance since 2.0.
While I appreciate the attempts at realism, it’s a little too extreme, which results in huge changes if you lose a plow.

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What are the seldom used wheels (just wheels) that you’ve never liked and or have issues with that you’d like to see fixed… ( I’ll put this up top when I get my power back on.)

Does the tread on large wheels still face the wrong direction? That’s the only really annoying thing I can think of.

Would be nice to have more CKs for the epic wheels, and more hubcaps.

Ok let’s rephrase that
-take a look at supercharged update
-specifically the wheels
-make a list of all the changes that was made to wheels
-now do the opposite of all of that

I do not know why we have to even have the whole “Suggest how to fix wheels by suggesting on changing what is wrong with them, without talking of changing the very thing that is wrong with them”

It’s like “Tell us how to make a salad but do not mention the name of any singular vegetable while doing it”

Just stupid

I think some of the changes to wheels were a result of the engine update, so just going back isn’t really an option.
A lot changed with that update, and not all of it was bad. The improved suspension action is nice, and the original change to handbrakes always just locking the rear wheels was good (but then they cranked up the stopping power for the handbrake, messing it up). Before 2.0, wheels had become a little too sticky, but 2.0 introduced a little too much slippage on some surfaces. The mass balance effect is cool, but again it was cranked up too high.

It’s because it didn’t seem to effect every wheel the same way. Like you see a few of us saying Shivs work great, Hermits feel fine above… I’m trying to be as non-generic and as specific as possible so they don’t make a batch of bad fixes that don’t address the actual issues at the individual wheel type level. So sure make the salad name the wheel type vegetable slice your using and have the issue with and go from there. I’m just trying to get you to explain it more clearly sorry if it feels like I’m giving you a hard time.

I’ll try to check tonight just got my power back on. Thankfully a few days early from their ETA.

I kind of wish we could do multiple CKs for wheels. Separate out the rim type and the wheel and tread type from the CK. It would make it a lot more customizable.

They did introduce some extra body roll in with the update I’m pretty sure that doesn’t effect actual traction though. I do agree I like the graphical improvements to how the vehicles look when moving.

I hardly ever use my hand break playing on keyboards so it hard for me to say. I know how it worked but without dynamic steering on the keys I normally resorted to power tapping to do the more complex maneuvers. The only time I tend to use the handbrake is just to trigger the taillights to try to tell people behind me to please not to slam into me while using a cannon build.

I remember people complaining about wheels becoming too on the rails as to say. I really like drifting in and out of turns so to me slippage isn’t something I normally would complain about. Sticking too much would make it feel fake to me. Everyone enjoys different stuff though. Which ones are the worst afflicted though as far as too much slippage goes?

Ones that people have said are good so far: Shivs, Racing tires, hermits, sabbath (did I miss any?)

It’s likely to be faked physical effects but it’s hard to tell sometimes. A jump in a video game can sometimes just be a singularly timed suspension of gravity constant on specific objects. Coders can be really funny in how they get stuff done. Much like animators they sometimes take drastic short cuts to get things done on time.

Goals for this are at the end of the month I’ll hand this in to a few of our mods with a synopsis of the comments on what people agree over and a link to the post. Kind of a personal experiment to see if we can make the forum more useful for them. This is why I’m trying to keep it very specific.

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Edits for additional questions that have been added to the top:
Which wheels do you feel preform the best, and which wheels do you think preform the worst?

What are the seldom used wheels (just wheels) that you’ve never liked and or have issues with that you’d like to see fixed…

Critique of handbrakes interactions on movement: Please specify any differences desired between ST and non ST wheels.

If you have any suggestions for related questions feel free to add them in too…

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I remember reading on the forum sometime in the distant past that they had changed it so that all wheels of the same rarity have the same traction, with traction increasing with rarity.

I don’t know if that is true, but it could be. The perceived traction differences between hermits and bigfoots could just be due to them adding different amounts of mass to the build.

Re: handbrake
Before 2.0, handbrake behaved completely differently depending on whether you had any non-ST wheels on your build. That was weird, and it’s good that they changed it, but it created a problem.
Pre 2.0, builds with all ST wheels would lock all wheels with handbrake, but somehow maintain some momentum. Mixed wheel builds would only lock the non-ST wheels, which made for a gentler brake, and wouldn’t completely stop your car if you held down gas. This also led to a little acceleration bump when you released the brake, but it made a bit more visual sense, since the front wheels would still be spinning at top speed.
After 2.0, only the rear wheels of all builds would lock, and the speed bump was reduced. Players who only used ST wheels didn’t like this, because handbrake no longer stopped them quickly, and they didn’t want to shift to using normal brake for that purpose.
So the devs gave a lot more stopping power to it, making it much less useful for triggering and controlling drifts.

I think they should bring back that conserved momentum effect, but also reduce the stopping power. Keep the rear wheel locking system, but let it be the drifting tool it’s supposed to be.

When I search google for just the site for the upgrades the term I use is:

I’d have to look I’m a little behind today though.

It’s not a bug…it’s a feature.

It might be a bug. IDK. It does it with non-CK’d Landing gear too, and according to the pop-up’s red warning font, it’s glitching my tonnage as well, but I can’t really tell what effect it has when I actually drive it. It still drives like that.

I get the same issue with Small Tracks.

I just mostly wanted to check take advantage of it while you can. These types of bugs can persist for a while as they aren’t harmful to general play. Basic sort order for bug testers…