*Cool Builds you seen in PVP 🤪

only screenshots from PVP matches
No exhibition or pve or your own builds…


Man, you’re more skilled with the screenshot than I am! LOL

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sadly, only in PVE.
In PVP i often don’t see what i’m charging into


me too…
i seen a 2 player build i wanted to screen shot because it’s massive,but i can’t because its wrecking me when i try to get a good pic,i could ask them for a photo op,but its more challenging tryin to take a photo, :rofl:


So… here comes one of those sad truths about Crossout.

That build in the screenshot looks great. Which mostly means its not good.

So you got to see an AWESOME looking build and a CRAP build in the Same location.

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Solutions were suggested many times, and the meta slaves cried against it, not realizing it’d just lead to them DLing prettier meta builds from the exhib.

Welding strength should be a thing already, 360° weapons should often have better dura and turning speed to make boxing them in ugly ways not the obvious choice, etc…


Cool builds I see in pvp are, hover canon, hover mg, hover energy, hover shotgun, hover everything in fact, since bot player hover too, there just one or two cars builds left.


This topic is about seeing cool rides in pvp,no need for comments unless you have a screen shot then comment all you want…
i know it’s hard to do but can you let 1 topic not fall into the abyss of (i need to write something syndrome).
screenshot pvp cool builds in game…doesn’t matter if they work or not,we like to see what players are playing that look Cool,it’s a simple topic.:crazy_face:


I don’t know if these are cool but they;re certainly unique
I’ve seen people drive toilets, bathtubs, peepee shape builds with the grapes included, giant crabs and a dragon xD
I’m just waiting for a kitchen sink :joy: :rofl:


I can’t even remember when was the last time I saw a cool build on the pc, it’s all the same cookie cut meta builds all day everyday

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Okay, I almost LOLed at this. It’s a 17+k triple ripper!
I mean… how often do you see ONE, much less THREE? LOL

ztriple rippers LOL


One of my original clanmates has 3. I asked him if they were any good and he said they are very good for levi CW’s.

his build looks nearly identical. That is not him though.

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There’s two guys going around these days, with a double avalanche, one on top of the other, and two set of tracks, one on top of the other too. Quite funny.


I’d wanna see that silliness!

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I had 3 on a hover the first day they where released.

I also sold 3 of them the first day they where released because they were not fun.

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I still hope I’ll see a cool build someday instead of the usual meta noise that builds seem to be
Especially in high ps (pc)

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He performed pretty well, too…