Crossout Discoveries

Evidently those giant range bowling pins are invincible:

Usually plasma rings destroy anything on contact, but not pins!! Even the steel balls get destroyed!! I must know what these pins are made of so I can use the material as armor!! :open_mouth:

I wonder how the containment field that hold the rings in place, worksā€¦ :thinking:

Iā€™m not sureā€¦ If there was a second one on the opposite side then maybeā€¦ but thereā€™s not so I have no idea.

With the newest Steel Championship event going on right now, and the fact that I just got my first range goal from it, I made a new discovery: the range version of the goal doesnā€™t get triggered if you stay inside, only when you enter or exit. So if you use werewolf as the cabin, you can do this:

This is my werewolf drone, chilling inside the giant range goal. Normally youā€™d be instantly incinerated and crushed by the giant gate that slams down, but if you somehow get in far enough, you can chill where no one else canā€¦ ā€¦just donā€™t try to leave :laughing:

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How do you think of these things? LOL and congrats!!!

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This one is just ironic:


In the category called ā€œspecialā€ modules, none of the modules are actually ā€œspecialā€ rarity (light blue).

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The goal for the range does not JUST destroy parts upon enteringā€¦ it automatically destroys the whole build, no matter how far the cabin is from contact with the gate. Observe:

Also: this is my second YT vid Iā€™ve ever made, so please be nice. :laughing:

If you hold tab and press F2 in a battle, it shows the challenges instead of the map, and you can press F1 to change it back.

Does anyone use this or did I just discover another useless feature?? :laughing:

I use it, but you can just press the tabs at the top.

Kind of annoyed that you canā€™t do that with the prematch map