Crossout Discoveries

Here is a topic for discoveries about the game that not everyone may know, or just for useless Crossout facts!!

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I made a discovery about the ravager portrait in the banner section of the profile. A lot of people probably know about the binary code in the description (if you don’t you can go look in the section for packs). It reads: “1100101 111100 1110100 1110010 1100001 1100011 1110100”. I put this through a binary code translator, and found the real meaning: it translates to “e<tract”. I think it is referring to how they want to extract our memories. I thought it was interesting, so now you know a useless Crossout fact!!


You shouldn’t have posted this under your real name! They’re going to come after you now… :grimacing:

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Don’t you realize…the Ravagers read this forum too? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



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mechanical legs make a cute splish splash splosh noise on water puddles when walking on them, this can’t usually be heard that well during combat because of all the gunfire etc


The old world map was just Russia flipped around in reverse.

The thumbnail pic for this youtube video looks oddly like the melee on the front of the “Cerberus” cabin. It also says “How It’s Made - Uranium…” as the title, so maybe Cerberus was meant for Clan Wars. I’m not sure though, just making guesses. I could be completely wrong.


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In the banner portrait’s description for “Cache”, it has binary code that reads “01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100”. I put this through a binary code translator and it translates to the word “will”. My theory is that it is referring to his will to get revenge on the ravagers, as stated in the description above the code. Just a theory though. You’re welcome for another useless Crossout fact!! :smiley:

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Then again, maybe it means he expects to die in the wasteland and had a Will drawn up?

It seems weird, but I had a battle with 5 on each team instead of 8.

Please ignore my bad score, I had artillery in Sinto City, and got degunned really quickly. :sob:

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You probably used the wrong paint. Did you use red or blue? Red is stronger than blue, because it contains iron. Blue usually contains cobalt or zinc; both are softer than iron. <:D

I used “Dead Marshes”.

Has anyone else noticed the unobtainable banner portrait named “Bernat”? He looks oddly similar to “Duncan”. Maybe “Bernat” WAS “Duncan” before he joined the engineers?



Let me know if you’ve noticed this or if you have any more info on this odd similarity. :smiley:

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The pictures of both are incredibly similiar. Maybe they’re long-lost twins? Or maybe the artist simply messed up? If they’re twins, it would be intriguing if their personalities were diametrically opposite, and they became warlords and met in battle. The plot thickens…

On Xbox, when flyig helos, holding B makes you go straight (well almost) up.

Apparently little known or unknown:

A and C cap faster than B in three cap point maps.
Recapping the other team’s capped points i faster than capping an uncapped point.
The more people in a cap point, the faster it caps.

Hiding in the back in order to try to get easy kills is screwing your teammates over as they are now outnumbered.

The best way to defeat melee/fire builds is to work together.

Heated parts take more damage (depending on build, up to about +130%, but normally up to 100% extra damage).

Every car should have some passive melee on the front (you can usually take out wheels like the bigfoot just by ramming).

When flying helos, you can look up then hold reverse/power down to drop rapidly. You can reach terminal velocity really quickly (though I have never landed a melee blow using this, I am assuming it would usually be an instakill).

The ravager paint has binary code that says “01100001 01110111 01100001 01101011 01100101 01101110” and translates to “awaken”.

I know it’s been a while, but I found a new discovery!!

In the default garage/range/test drive area, in the zone with the little battle bot trucks, I tried entering the bot spawn area with my spooder car and its 4 harpoons, and it wouldn’t let me. There’s an invisible wall only the bots can go through!!

My harpoons went through just fine, hence the cables going into the darkness, but my actual build wouldn’t… what kind of magic is this?? :laughing:

Also: Ignore the black blob in the corner, it was just the chat telling me the file save location on my hard drive lol.


A new discovery about the “Daze” module, which is hilarious: there is a little screen on one side that plays a little animation when it is activated. I had to use the scope to get a decent view of what it actually was:


It’s a hand in the shape of a gun, with a “Fail” flag coming out of the finger, which is funny because Daze disables weapons. It plays the animation about 3 times. Try it once you have a daze!!