Crossout isn't Mad Max

Aren’t we picked on enough by each other while discussing balance and game mechanics? While often rolling down to discussing each other’s game backgrounds and skills xD


ya but…we can never get enough…after all…it’s just us here and thats all we got :upside_down_face:my friend


I stupidly deleted the footage and pics while spring cleaning this last june…but, a couple season ago, just before steel gladiators I think, there was a comet in the sky of the Test Yard. Great graphics on it too. But nothing ever said about it.

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somebody did say something about that…

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I mean more like you know, in a good lore game a character gets some more illustration showing his “character”, I mean the real character, is he just? Greedy? Arrogant? Skilled with something? Smart? Loyal to some people and ideas? What are his believes? People then can build their own attitude towards that character - liking, respecting, despising, or having laugh from their bad sides getting them into troubles.
Then the lore gets much more real as it not only has dry chronology of events, but realistic characters.
That does though bring some issue like… imagine you prefer firestarter faction for lite parts and quick builds, but don’t at all like faction leader. That doesn’t seem very good. BUT interesting concept it is actually possible to tie their personalities to different parts and weapons and therefore play styles. As shotgun build lovers would quite logically can be associated with Psycho Pete, since shotgun require cunning and often suicidal tactics, same as melee weapons, while cannons are more about tough parts. This connections are in fact made already in the game, but characters are not well enough illustrated to make it all work and mean anything. Campaign is too raw, and player don’t have any interactions with those characters so here we are. Idk, perhaps lore isn’t so important anyway since the game is mostly about those pvp battles with different weapons and builds, but devs seem to try bring it, so it’s a bit weird imo, idk.
It’s like they mean to have a lore which should make crossout a lore based game, but the lore is too weak so its just a regular game with some lore… “just in case”
It also would make their lore much more powerful if they brought real world philosophical and political aspects for consideration like “Should anyone survive or only the strongest?” “Is it ok to steal kill and raid or no”. You know, naturally peaceful human factions would have hate and despise toward raider-like factions. Relationships between faction should be more shown through events, like “Raiders are attacking engineer settlement” or “Steppenwolfs fighting dawn children over some scientific interests or quarrels” And being raider involves killing first of all, which is immoral, but brings some spice and liveliness to the events. It’s ok in any movie, but somehow in this game it’s like everyone is plushie, or playcard icon more than realistic character.
First step would be at least voice their charecters from PVE. It’s so annoying to read them, especially considering you are bloody busy doing something else like driving and fighting.

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Star Trek?
I think Arbiter Petroleum looks like Harry Mudd from the original series.


The way I see the lore is that most survivors are independent from the various factions, but are friendly enough with the competing warlords that we can buy their weapons and use their workshops.

Given the ever shifting power balance on the wasteland, most of us wouldn’t want to commit to supporting just a single faction.

I see the missions as regional conflicts that the warlord factions aren’t interested in, so it’s a mixed bag of independent survivors fighting each other.

In raids of course we are fighting against the specific factions, but they’re all small conflicts on the outskirts of their territory.

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Well, if it’s not, they fool me right.

Crossout IT’S MADMAX

Hiow do you describe this game to some random guy?

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A post apocalyptic legos vehicular combat game? Ya, it looks a lot like Fury Road to me. Even the trailers are near mirror images. It’d be hard to describe it without mentioning Mad Max. That’s why they need to pump up the environment with more of their own flare, I think. Because, it doesn’t actually play very Mad Max like. The Play-style isn’t very similar to any events in Mad Max…except the Escort missions for an armored Big Rig is famously Mad Max. It really is very Mad Max like IMO, and it’s hard to believe they didn’t intend for it to be that way.

I don’t have a problem with it at all, myself, but beware, HighNoone333 is probably just looking for a debate over Hovers and their propriety that nobody even questioned. It’s a ruse. Nobody here really wants to get into that, or believes Hovers must go because Lord Humongous demands it.

This actually isn’t Mad Max. It’s Crossout, and the developers can do whatever they like. Clearly they like themselves a good bit of Road Warrior. So do I, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a more traditional Sci-fi element in this game. I just haven’t been real keen on their past interpretations, but they are getting better.

So we were (I was) pushing the conversation towards “what science fiction does it represent then, if not Mad Max?” Rather than getting into more debates about Hovers. I’m essentially forcing the face value of the OP.

So,what kind of sci-fi influences do you see (or want to see) in this game outside of Mad Max?

I think the Emrak reminds me of the cover of a vintage Popular Science Magazine. Some of their other stuff does too.

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When I try to explain Crossout to outsiders, I usually just say “we make combat vehicles and then blow each other up”.
I might mention the post-apocalyptic aspect, but I feel like that’s just assumed, and kind of incidental to the actual gameplay.
I usually specify that we make vehicles from the ground up, and can make them into whatever weird shapes and concepts we want.


i tell people it’s one of the greatest games never finished…


So many people seem to have a vision of what they believe the game’s world to be. What they demand it must be. What rubric it must fit, etc.

Imagine for a second you were an author… and every step of the way everyone was telling you how to write the book and what to write and screaming at you and treating you like crap when you were making -your- creation and they wanted to just… treat you like a servant to their whims.

That’s… a problem.

I agree with the OP. This isn’t Mad Max. This is something out of the Devs’ own minds that contains many elements you can compare to many things… but ultimately -are not those things-. Enjoy that or don’t, but at least respect it enough to realize it’s not your creation or your world… what is and isn’t allowed within it isn’t based on -your- creative vision. We’re all here to partake of someone else’s creative vision and find enjoyment in that… or at least should be. If you’re not, maybe you should be building your own creation?

YMMV I guess.



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Crossout is best described as Twisted Metal meets Mad Max in the Lego Universe.


As much as the XO universe is not Mad Max, what did the devs market it as originally? What did all the influencers hype it up to be? What was shown off in the trailers when this game was its largest in 2017?

In the XO/Ex Machina universe there is extremely advanced tech, and two factions with that tech. The Oracle which is human AI which could be derived from the ravagers, and the Njeri which are the aliens who were responsible for the Crossout because they want to terraform the earth for themselves. ALL of the highly advanced weapons in Ex Machina are Njeri/Oracle tech. Everybody else is using conventional powder weapons. I’m just saying the scifi stuff is way too common and general purpose. I came to this game for the gritty amateur machinist aesthetic on everything. Then they came along with DC and Syndicate which is just a cyberpunk ripoff that cheapens the aesthetic of the game. The JDM aftermarket themed parts with neon are cool but the cabs and weapons are meh.


That’s a pretty nice distillation of Crossout lore. That sounds like it in a nut shell.

Speaking of Ravagers…

The Matrix is an obvious influence, and a fun one at that.


The parts also look like Star Trek “Borg”

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Syndicate was definitely a cyberpunk rip off, it even came out around the same time the other game did.

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