Crossout isn't Mad Max

I get that but this is like many games.

For example, you might start a game being a soldier with a knife and a pistol, and then by the end of the game you have a cannon that shots mini nukes and your in a full exoskeleton suit and let’s you par-core sideways on walls. (That’s not a real game, but you get my point)

I would love this, it does not need to be the whole map, just parts that look like they are transforming.

I also think it would help to add some of that stuff to the awakening.

One map that does have a sci-fi feel is that map with the 3 holes that go forever. (Sorry can’t think of the map name)


Well, in Crossout they don’t have 3D models of people in it to keep the game rating down. That why we don’t have models For drivers in cars, people don’t really die.

Since we do not play as the alien race their is no need for an avatar image with that race.

The cars are the aliens in the case of this game. Kind of like the Borg in Star Trek where they have taken over part of the car. The beholder cabin is a good example of this.

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as far as i understand it, there’s those types of rigs, controlled by ravagers, then, there’s radio controlled rigs controlled by us, the people sitting in the garages.
The mobile version has a model of Ivy in the garage, too.


She walks around the garage.

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Yeah, Ivy’s lazy, but LA Diesel likes to dance.


I do. Makes sense. I think they need to reinforce that idea through images and scenery. More maps is always good, but what about portraits?

An alien or Ravager co-driver would be awesome too. Maybe I’ll put together a mock Njeri co-driver just to see what that’d look like…Does anybody know what a Njeri looks like? I could probably sculpt a Ravager co-driver out of some Matrix images (I know what they look like), but I have no idea what a Njeri looks like.

Maybe? IDK…It’s probably just a government conspiracy.

Well, maybe we should? I’d ride with an alien, maybe even a Ravager (the “join us” thing is too creepy). I’d go for portraits and banners too.

Also, the Dawn’s Children’s cabs, are they supposed to be alien tech? They’re kinda odd, but maybe they could skin that stuff and make it very alien, like bio-mechanical insectoids or, IDK. The sky is the limit on that. I think they need to be weirder. They need to buff the wierd on their sci-fi hard, I think.

I think they should have given us crash-test-dummies as avatars when we started that would be our “VR-Driver interfaces.” Maybe we could have improved their stats and character as we progressed, like in a standard RPG.They could have set it up as an Iron Man/Jarvis situation in regards to copilots. You might have a selection of specialized A.I. to choose from, not unlike Knight Rider, I suppose.

We need this portrait.


I think they should have made the crater map more alien crash zone with much more pieces of ships around the crater itself more of a feature etc to tie it into the lore


100% this, I would love that. I would use a Ravager portrait for sure!

BUT :slight_smile: lol… I’m not going to lie here…

I currently use the the Fire Starters level 15 portrait because it reminds me of Mad Max :slight_smile:

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Hey man, Don’t Hassle the hoff.

:slight_smile: I’m sure a ton of people would sport that portrait :slight_smile:

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I used to think we were supposed to be piloting full scale RC cars, but that intro video for the Chase update showed a human inside the truck, with video monitors letting him see what was happening around him.

I personally liked the concept of us all driving the cars remotely, and I guess that’s still possible, as the truck in that video is driven by an NPC.
I do remember them implying that the raiders are remote controlled, or possibly autonomous AI.

I have chosen to believe that the PVP bots are also supposed to be dumb robots in the lore, as that makes me less annoyed at their poor decisions.


I’m glad you mentioned this. I have been meaning to bring this up to Doc to maybe get him in the mode to build higher PS cars that would look ugly :slight_smile: in his eyes. But if you can see the beauty that is Crossout you can go into a world beyond real life cars.

This is why the screens on the inside of the cabin show that cars in this world (high PS) are built with tons of armor around them so they can not see out the normal windows. The cabin is like a pod in the center of the car and the armor makes the shape of the car, not the cabin (it does not look like a real car)


Yeah, I feel it could go either way and work. If we’re piloting our cars remotely, it would explain the third person view (and why we can block our cabin view). But if we are supposed to be in our cars, I like the idea of being surrounded by screens.

I do recall someone on the forum pointing out that parts of the Adventure clearly state that at least some cars have human drivers, while raiders (and possibly bots) do not. Does anyone remember enough of Adventure mode to confirm?

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I sadly do not. I didn’t do that mode for years. Never finished the missions, did like 2 parts.

Then a few weeks ago some new guys in chat asked if anyone would help them do it and I joined in.

They where both on some poorly built low ps car and I was on a triple flash, single spark build (I still need that forth flash) and we ran through it super fast and skipped all the story. We did the whole thing in one try…

It is painful for me to play adventure mode. for the lore, I get it… but it sucks.

I don’t know if that’ll ever happen, but I do have a BP fused Kami, and it looks like it was designed to be buried and put in high PS situations, so if I ever do feel like I need to do something like that, that’s the I have a cab in mind for it.

EDIT: Now I can’t get it out of my head. It feels like a challenge.
I’m not sure I can do ugly, but I’ve probably got the gear to build something…PS 9-11K? Is that the range? It’ll probably have to be, because I don’t think I have the gear to drag things much higher. I suppose spaced armor is also on the menu? Is that what we are talking about?

I’ll give you one that you either forgot about, wanted to forget about, or perhaps were just too young tech wise for…:


Kind of :slight_smile:

I just wanted to present the idea that the cabin is a pod in the middle of the car. Something to build around. And the car does not need to be ugly at the end :wink: I just figured that if it didn’t look like a real car that you would think it’s ugly.

Below is a car I just play for fun. Is this a Meta clan wars beast? No… but this will show some building concepts I’m talking about.

First off I build the framework and wheel base around my control pod (aka cabin)

Then I build the bones of the car, add the shoot through pieces that are going to hold the thing together and add the generator.

Then I add all the weapon systems and modules. Also I start adding internal armor and bumpers and thing to protect the guns some. (This example just has the gun slapped in top, I don’t normally suggest that :slight_smile: but like I said this is a fun build. Nothing screams “fun for everyone” more then a triple flash, double kapcan build LOL)

Then I basically fill in the rest with armor, this armor forms the shape of the car. I’m also looking for good weight to armor ratios on my part picks and not just parts that look the best. Sometimes you have to compromise some look/ratio for the piece that is the right shape.

Then I add all the paint and stickers. 90% of my cars will not include decor because I do not need an XP boost (my level is already high) and most decor parts are not suitable as armor.

I do this style of building at every PS level. It becomes more complex as you go higher in PS, but the basic concepts are the same.

What I was trying to do is get the idea that the cabin is pretty much inside the car and does not make the basic shape of the car.

I hope that helps, it’s early here :slight_smile: but it is something I have been meaning to talk to you about.

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My build process is pretty much the same as monkeys, but I make all my rides look pretty. It’s tougher with spaced armour though to get a nice design. The rides look nice, but not like any car that’s ever existed. Some builds only have a bit of spaced armour. And some like my bigger builds have room for crazy amounts of spaced armour while still looking good.


Agreed. But the last person who brought this comparision up was you.

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I do admire your builds. What PS do you usually end up in?

My gear tends to assemble naturally at around 6-7K. Pushing it above 9K is a stretch for me.

This project’s kicking my ass so far. The only epic or legendary gear I have, I don’t ever use, or want. I’m just trying not to toss my battle pass crap anymore, so it’s still sitting in my inventory.

I’ve made my goal 3 kills or an MVP (PVP). That’s my benchmark for what I would consider a successful build, normally.

I used to always end up 12k-18kps. I’ve been trying to play more low ps lately, but the lowest those builds end up getting are 9kps. I’m getting lots of 9kps in though. This month I’m mainly just 9k-14kps.