Crossout LEGS! Yo!

Or gives another meaning to IHOP… Sorry, I’ll see myself out :wink:


I would assume that they will be in an event or possibly sold in packs ? Also the crafting recipe would be nice it it were accidentally leaked ! I have noticed the original legs from the Steppenwolf’s sales in the market have suddenly soared . That to me is very odd, being that they haven’t been popular or used for several years after the second leg style appeared. Could it be some know something is going to be a sudden commodity or is it something else?
Just thought I would throw some speculation into the factor.
*Late entry. The Steppenwolf’s legs I highly doubt will be in the crafting recipe solely due to Developers / Gaijin’s past history has been always having to use pack or special event components that are NOT in the crafting tree. (Its a sales thing) Again 100% speculation not factual.

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I wonder if they’ll allow 4 of these legs on a craft, which would almost seem to defeat the purpose.


This is a Crossout Mobile collab

From your comment I am guessing the mobile version already has this feature? If so speak up on your opinion about them PLEASE!

New CK for the up& coming legs! :rofl:


Okay I am ROFL!

You rock the Kasbah sir!


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Im not a crossout mobile pro but i know that the legs we are talking about also named mech legs in crossout mobile were already released in early 2023.
If you look after Crossout Mobile on Playstore and watch the trailer you will see a build with those Legs (on a Yokuzuna cabin) and you can see the gameplay as well.
And aftter one of the latest updates when downloading the game you are able to choose one of 3 cars to start with and one of them is dawn children designed build with 2 legs 2 synthesis and a dawn children designed cabin wich is not in the real game.
So if you download the game you will be able to expirience how those legs are.
I dont know more about this because i broke my phone and have to use my old one instead witch isnt able to stand out the game and the game craches when i log in.
i dont know how to upload images so look after it for your self

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Image provided from crossout mobile .


i literally thought this war some old screenshot from war robots. is this a joke or are they actually pushing this to crossout mobile? to be fair it would make sense since the devs are going the identical bad direction as war robots has gone that caused its death

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war robots screenshot

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I’ve seen advertisements for war robots… never played it though.


It has been in game on XO mobile for at least a year from what I understand. New content for PC soon ! Going to interesting . :smiley:

Perhaps the reason for only allowing it into the Helicopter missions to keep the wheeled /tracked enthusiasts happy. Surely they will soon start the usual complaints against .

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i used to play it but it became atrociously p2w and the graphics / general gameplay is from a 2000s game

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I used to play War Robots, long before I discovered Crossout.
Crossout took its place.

Tried it again last year, but it seems like it really hasn’t been updated much, and seems unfinished by current standards, even for mobile.

I’m wondering if they’ll give us all temporary legs, like they did with those dash boosters?

War Robots was fun, and I’ve always wanted to see vehicles like that in Crossout. I hope some of the legs are huge and tall, so we can get more of a feeling of scale. And of course the light ones should be able to jump.


Kind of like the first helicopter blades. That’d be really cool of them

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Boy i need those for my dragon mech! >w>


I been wanting legs for a while… but physics in the game still meh I wonder how much stuff would break from being added XD


I’m wondering how the balance is . If you can make it front rear or top heavy and tip it over easily. Also how will recoil affect them?

that i dont know maby the center of mass will be a big part of it if you have 4 if the front blows off your ass will be in the air like in robocraft while your front drags the ground

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