Crossout LEGS! Yo!

Here is a new topic that was just posted in the News !

All I can say is wow! I am so glad they are putting this in the game! Suppose to be 3 varieties with 1 special and 2 epics! Coming this way September. (Crossing my fingers this will happen!)

Now I am wondering upright cabins that will work with the legs right!

Next question is how after falling does the physics work with a car jack to get back up?

Be interesting to see how engines and other modules are protected.

So many questions!


Only used in aircraft mode? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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We understand that vehicles with new movement parts will definitely affect the balance of power in the battles for the Wasteland. That’s why vehicles with new “legs” will be able to participate only in game modes with armoured aircraft.

devs almost pretending to care about balancing in any way putting these new movement parts into the turbo circus dev-sandbox of a gamemode that is heli missions

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I’m hoping that is an intermediate step, so that they can introduce them without making the playerbase too upset.
Crossout players do not react well to new things.

I get the feeling the devs are slowly moving towards aircraft being part of all modes, but that it could be quite a while before that happens.

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I think they want to make heli work, due to the time and money invested…but i just dont see it being viable for CW, when you have SGs, fire, and melee builds, along with weapons that cant really aim up.

I skipped the heli BP. If the Sept pass is also heli, I will skip my 2nd BP.


I would be surprised if they add them to CW, although maybe sometime in the distant future they might rework the mode into something more complex.

Although the more I think about it, aircraft could be a way to help balance close range builds in modes like CW, without nerfing them excessively.

I can think of a lot of matches where it would have been nice to have some air support on my team.

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Ah cool new le-
Oh heli only for now, booooooooooo


I hope they won’t drop non-heli modes all together, because honestly that is the point where I am just gonna stop playing. I never play any mode with helis if I have a choice to begin with, and any time I have had to play heli modes due to challenges etc I do not have any ounce of fun. Only matches without helis are enjoyable and heli matches themselves are just so unenjoyable I am not even maxing out battle pass levels because of them, I’d rather miss out on the levels than be forced to play heli matches


Me who exclusively plays patrol:

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And this is why the new legs aren’t being added to the regular matches. Crossout players do not like change (but also hate when things stay the same).

I like aircraft matches, even though I prefer to play ground vehicles. I like having to watch the sky as well as the ground, and it makes things a lot less predictable.
But I rarely play aircraft matches other than patrol, because the wait time is so long (because too many players don’t like them).

What I suspect/predict is that the devs will continue to tweak aircraft battles, and develop it as a more open-ended mode. If it becomes more popular than traditional Crossout, then they’ll merge the two. But we might never get to that point.

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I’m one of the best heli players on PC and I have gotten sick of it myself. I can go in and drop a 5k point match a dime a dozen in heli mode but these days I’d rather go into battle with my goliaths and get stomped by shotgun bricks all day long, I don’t care.

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what does a new movement part have to do with helis? helis are hated because theyre a fundamentally different gamemode (and also objectively bad) so unless these legs have some functionality to counter helis then i dont see why people would hate them.
also i think that if they deleted ground-only gamemodes then 90% of the playerbase would quit forever

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bah dum tss!

“only available in heli modes”
yeah this is what i dont like. the other legs were fine as is so what makes these any different? sure they are more vertical but… would that make them more overpowered then the normal legs like ml-200’s and others? i dunno this seems odd for them to limit these legs.

I’m guessing they have a jumping ability.

Either that, or they are too easily tipped over to work in normal PVP.

But I’m gambling on the jumping ability. It’s something we have asked for, but is also something that could potentially be OP.


Zero reason to disallow, if this is the case. They would simply be treated like tracks, where competitive players simply eschew them.


cow tipping!
or in this case, car tipping!


Yeah, I doubt that is the reason either, but I could see the devs being gun shy about introducing a new movement part that has no hope of being competitive in normal PVP.

My money is on a jumping ability (or something similar). Would work well with rotors.

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:rofl: :rofl T-minus 1 month & counting before the wheeled purist anti Leg nerf club commences.

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Construction Goal:
I myself I am excited over this new movement component. The possibilities are endless as many clients from long ago and have quit the game have asked for a movement part such as these new units!
Fresh content ! Far out :sunglasses: Dev’s!


So, I only have to take out one leg and you’re done. Probably why they’re only putting it in aircraft mode.