For me, I’m going to try and not be such a drama queen on this forum. Wish me luck.
Also, the idea of going a year without spending any money on this game looks tempting too, but I don’t know if I have the fortitude to do that. They could drop another cab like the Manitou, and I’d sleep in the fetal position for months. Seems like that one needs a graceful caveat, like only on my birthday, or limited to a certain amount. IDK…I’m not really feeling this one.
I could adopt a cannon project as a goal. I’ve not focused on cannons since I started playing, and I’m not very good at it, but occasionally I need to be. A tank-rod to tinker on over the year might be an amusing hobby, and I could probably build some thing truly malevolent if I applied some long term focus-pocus to it…this one I like.
How 'bout ya’ll, any Crossout related long term goals you’re setting, or behavior you’d like to curb for the year?
Not put any money into the game anymore in any shape or form, no packs no passes, and if I run into a moment where I would need to do so to continue having any kind of fun, I’m just uninstalling instead and giving up on my 5 years of mostly f2p grind inventory rather than refusing to do so and in any shape or form supporting the absolute brainfart this game has turned into
I hear ya on that. I’m hoping it gets better, but that hasn’t been the trend. I’m pretty frugal about spending money on this game myself, and I’m glad for it, so that kind of resolution isn’t a big issue for me.
It might happen incidentally, because they aren’t selling much I’m interested in, and the accompanying consumer manipulation they bring with their sales schemes is generally a turn-off. It might be an easier resolution to maintain than I fear.
$9.99 every four months for Battle Passes seems really reasonable to me, but not if I don’t use the content, and I don’t have much interest in Legendary gear, so I’m not often the target demographic for their marketing.
No plans to do anything different. I’ll buy the major BPs, gift some coins to a few of the kids in my clan I regularly play with, that’s about it. Been defending the new players from the goons in bedlam lately, might step up that tempo.
There’s a few weapon groups that I have never really given a chance, so I want to focus on those a little more.
Missiles in general, but especially homing missiles. Never played many wheeled drones, or the traditional flying ones. Might get some more mines. Spend some more time with ACs other than whirls.
I also plan on a crossbow phase. I’ve used them all in the past, but currently have none, and phoenixes were the only ones I spent much time with.
Also plan on a reload shotgun phase. Haven’t played much of them, other than Arothrons and Parsers.
i was gonna make this and seen you did last year…So Bump !!
i’m gonna try not to complain about nerfs and mm and how updates destroy our gameplay and all our weps r junk. CO Drivers are useless…
i think i failed already…Opps ! Maybe Next Year --2026.
I’ve been trying to unlock banners since July. So, just continuing that, which will involve finishing an energy build, finishing the drone challenges, and then leaving the crossbows for last. I haven’t played mechs in a couple months so I should try something with those again.
I pretty much kept my New Years resolution from last year (don’t buy anything). I did buy a cheap sale pack (Inferno), but I easily managed to stay away from the battle passes, and that Inferno was the only purchase I made. I didn’t expect it to be a particularly grand purchase and it sure wasn’t, but it’ll make a good art-build sooner or later, maybe. Maybe it was a stupid purchase, too.
I did get this latest battle pass, but I think I regret that already (I knew I wouldn’t be thrilled), and I bet it will be even easier to go another year without doing that again. After just looking at the next planned update, I can’t even bring myself to log on and play. IDK if I’ll survive another year.
This game is so unappealing to the broader audience now that whether or not it survives another year is reasonably questionable, and making a resolution in it’s regard might be pointless. I know we’ve all heard that before, but people are leaving, and this game isn’t improving, despite it’s latest surge in features.
I think this game could be a lot better, and I don’t understand why it isn’t. I feel like these people just don’t understand the principals behind “fun.” It sure struggles to be consistent with that.
I also think there might be lead in the water supply. IDK.
I think my goal for the year will be simply to establish a build that can periodically and regularly MVP at 9K or higher in PVP. I can’t say I am at all motivated to do that though. Not even a little, but I am tired of sitting in 3 minute queues (thus the new battle pass).
I guess my only goal is to be the dominant force on the Australian bedlam server. Very doable, because I’ve only seen 2 people on it in the past 3 years.
Nope! I go there every once in awhile, but there’s never anyone there. I spoke with an Aussie player, and apparently, Crossout was never popular in Australia, which I found surprising. The Aussies who did play Crossout, used the Asian server.
Sadly they killed speedrunning convoy raids 21 december 2024 when i figured that out. I always helped people farm extra coin at high speeds. (p.s it was legal for 6 year+ by gromek) geusse i finaly broke what they found acceptable and probaly got reported breaking the game with legal exploiting. (atleast i had my fun and my freinds got a lot of coins due of it + playerbase had acces to resources) but geusse they wanted kill my bissness by glueing the truck to the ground. Since then my need for doing raids has gone out of the window. Only thing i can say if you want a relic play a lot of battle for uranium / or join a clan in who makes uranium but this option is slimmer and slimmer we barely hanging on playing the original clanwars due of multibale reasons includding not being able to mercanary around which ive reqeusted in the past. you need 4 monkeys vs 4 monkeys on serten time frames. and you cant switch clans in a heartbeat to keep clanwars fights going.
I know why the game is dying which i sadly cant talk openly about it. But i hope they do something with a lot of things ive found with my research. I stil believe crossout can be a great game but it its about time they acctualy provide the care it needs to stay around.
So far 2025 has started rough and the Q&A that was posted has pissed people of in the community its to posetive and doesnt talk about what is realy going on. Also my freinds on discord and athers would share screenshots with serious qeustions that where send during the Q&A nothing of those get talked about. its all rainbows and sun shine.
If they realy want start considerations to improve overal experience and get a proper balance of the game i would be happy to be invited and show what i know by playing the game so long.
So far they only seem to pull walls up and seem to stick there head in the sand until they make a announcement. Also with the dramas ive seen and ive been playing since 2018 and chaos that goes around true discords and communitys we are now in 2025.
Ive never seen a correct excuse in the news channel or game launcher. I never been answerd on qeustions ive launched true the years and we might have hated the man that eventualy got himself perma banned (Sethioz) is a name they rather have you forget.
This game has more issues then they tell you. And those small gifts as owh sorry server is cooked 3 days prem arent gone save it to keep people around.
Being joyfull you get younger people playing you’re game issent bad but if you cant maintain the playerbase you had from years ago it means they know stuf they rather wouldnt wane know. + side effect older audience of gamer has a better economic wallet. Im not saying young people dont spend some but some might just be total F2P people. and that wont keep things running.
This is reason im also worried about 2025 i love this game but i cant deal with being lied to over and over. there is a breaking point. — p.s im not a whale just a hobby gamer and i cant even afford buying all the battlepass levels like some crazy guys do. ingame —