Crossout=pay and win

Yeah, but we’re the best looking ones, so that counts for something. :rofl:


I would sort of expect Clan Wars to be the worst offender, and that’s why I have never played it, and only have pipe-dreams and notions about it. My recent experiences in PVP haven’t been much fun, for sure, and yes, the players that are kicking sand in my face the most are players with builds twice as expensive, routinely. That wasn’t always the case, though. Before 2.0, I was successful enough to run art-builds pretty often, and keep up with everybody else just fine, even better sometimes. That’s why I suggest that’s it’s more of a balance issue than pay to win…but if that’s intentional, what’s the difference, right?

This game isn’t very popular, that’s true, and the reasons they give are how you describe it, pretty much. A lot of people seem to be hell bent on playing at power-scores that represent end-game players for reasons beyond me (I think it’s irrational), so I’m not surprised they would believe they need a lot of gear to play at that level. I think you do, and you can certainly buy your way out of that situation.

I was playing Chalie’s EABs a moment ago, and they seemed to work great, but they are very META. They are also extremely conservative and cost efficient, so I think he has forged a strong counter argument to the pay to win perspective. I’ve tried it with my primary account, and they worked great, I tried it on a F2P account at ENG LVL 12 and got spectacular results, but maybe I should try it with an account that is F2P and over LVL 30 ENG, and see how that goes? I know where I can try one.

I’ve always believed this game goes downhill the further uphill you go, so I’m curious to see at what point the seal clubbing and META begin to spoil the game (I think 4K), and that’s what I think is the bigger issue. Those two principals are off the chain, and of course there is a monetary solution being offered. Does it work? I don’t think so, unless you use those assets to META or seal-club.

Is money the new META? IDK. I’m sort of investigating that, because I do understand the perspective, and I’m getting crushed using my old habits, but what I’ve experienced so far today, is that Charlie’s EABs work pretty damn good.

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An easy fix to that would be to simply ban relics below a certain PS threshhold… ban legendaries below another… etc etc…

Porcs at 5k is like advertising you’re both an a-hole and suck at gaming. Yet, people apparently don’t mind being “that guy.”

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Only applies to shotguns IMO. Once somebody shows up with movement parts that have full reverse speed and/or strafing its over for any newb unless said newb has a shotgun build. If they can down hovers in 1v1s w/o shotguns they are easily among the top 20% in terms of aim. Very few

I haven’t encountered any hovers using Chalie’s EABs so far, since they have been very low PS…maybe that’s why the game is more fun, and I’ve had more success. I’m pretty sick of the mess it is lately, and I like the game better without all that crap. Under 4 or 5K the game reminds me more of a game I’d probably enjoy playing more.

I’m trying a F2P account now that is over level 30 engineers, and so far it’s not really working out. It sits and spins in the queue for a really long time using that “EAB Chord2” (under PS 3K) build of his. I need to log that account in and get some of that free gear from the promo-thread here, so I can try one of his EABs at above 5K, and over level 30, and see how that goes.

If the game was running better overall, I probably wouldn’t be messing with this project. I’m not a fan of Crossout 2.0 “Super-Charged (VISA/MasterCard :upside_down_face:),” but I am finding this project interesting for now. It’s more fun than I’ve had in weeks (months?) with this game.

What I expect, is that goblins on whatever, and whatever on Hovers will eat my lunch, once I get past 5K. We’ll see.

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I’m way past lvl 30… too lazy to look it up.

If I’m much under 5k, the wait for a match is longer than the match.

I get matches at 5k pretty quickly, though. My fART build is a hair under 5k & I play it all the time when I’m feeling lazy. It has turrets or drones and a minelayer or something. LOL don’t really remember.

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It’s not exactly F2P. I spent almost a dollar on the account (Woody Pack).

Most of the stuff on this build is free, though, including the fused Hardcore. For whatever reason, I have another unsalable Growl in my inventory (not sure where it came from), so I might craft another and re-fuse this Growl for some improved stats. I think I just hit the grind for the present fusion on it, but I don’t remember.

The wheels were free and three out of four of those Sledgehammers were free, and so is the Big-G tucked into the frame, and the groovy black paint.

I’m not doing too bad, I don’t think.

That’s my record up to a moment ago. I was on a streak, and it wasn’t like that all night, but I didn’t pay much for those wins. I’ve done some grinding though, and here’s my personal file to scope (with my drone-boat loaded):

I don’t know what to make of it. Maybe the matchmaker is just being nice. Who knows? Most of my builds are running right under or around 5K, but I’m pretty sure I get paid the same for PVP at 5K as I would at 17K. Winning is winning, I reckon. You can decide what that means to this thread, but I only spent 99 cents.

Also (since I’m in the mood to show off a little) I worked the market to earn this Icebox:

I’ve also managed to get a Call, and a Howl that way. I’ve got a Hotrod too, but that’s just a leftover from a batch that I bought to flip on the market, which worked pretty good for me. I had to work for the Icebox, so I’m a little smug about that one, maybe. I like the EXmachina horn it’s got. I love that gamer nostalgia.


It’s pay. It’s just pay. Not “to win”. You don’t win in this game. It’s for money sucking, not for allowing people to win. “House always wins.”


Looks nice. Growl is still OP. :slight_smile:

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p2w This happens in raids and cw, not for regular pvp, the balance of weapons is ok, not bad, the problem is in hovering and oma, in the test server I saw a lot of changes which will affect the balance of weapons, if you do balance adjustments now there is not much point, you can only expect the content of the test service to be implemented soon, but what I got from the community manager is These are not coming soon, in my opinion, the developers make content sometimes radical, but sometimes fearful, they do not grasp the importance of things very well, such as making changes to armor resistance in many cases where the main problems are still not solved, in addition to meticulous changes to the balance of weapons, I admit that if you want to predict the ability of weapons under many changes, it is difficult even after testing, but Can be applied directly, and then in the discovery of problems quickly make changes, rather than the current situation has been delayed

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Total crap this game.

The only part of what you said that surprises me, is about raids being influenced by cash. I’m surprised people take it so seriously, but you’re probably right about that too. I’m just not aware of it’s relevance. I mean, so what? I’m not sure I understand how it would effect my account, or game experience negatively, if my team mate was artificially enhanced by cash. I’ve seen other things that players do that sours the game in raids worse, and more often. I mean, I understand the possibility of some guy in a random Hard Raid smashing it with VISA fused Retchers , but I just didn’t think that was a thing that upset people. I sure don’t care.

Clan Warriors are nutz. I’m not surprised that many people have bought there way into better seats there. I think the fusion feature is what enables Pay to Win scenarios, as in Clan Wars, to the largest extent. This feature was asking for trouble.

I don’t know about that, but I’m glad I have it (and it was free!), since I tend to run into a lot of people in PVP with very advanced equipment. Without it, I’d probably get squashed like a bug more often by people with richer goods, “seal-clubbers,” and “wallet warriors.” I would hate for them to nerf it. It would put a lot of aces in a very hard predicament, to have to face PVP without that little juice-box.

While it might be a bit saucy for its class, I think it holds an important role in the overall balance of this game, to have it situated the way it is. It’s a good cab, free for all, and I can’t see that as a bad thing. It’s not over-powering anybody in the game, since anybody can have one (free!), but it does outshine some of the other cabs in it’s class.

I don’t care at all, though. I’m sure the Bear is a little envious (bless his heart), but it doesn’t bother me much. Maybe I’ll get him some tracks for Christmas. That might cheer him up a little.

I was thinking about this conversation before I logged on, and I noticed something odd: I have an account that I blow cash on regularly, but Targem says this game is “Free to Play,” so I started a F2P account (this one) to see if that was really the case. It seems like it to me, and what I noticed this morning, was my kill rate is about 0.20 points higher on this F2P account than the one I blow cash on. Just an odd observation.

From my perspective, the game is unbalanced and aggravating frequently, but it is free to play.

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Exactly :wink:

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Just to drive the nail in a little further:

It hasn’t been like that all morning. It’s been pretty win some-loose some, but I think that’s a good score for a free2player in a fairly even match in PVP. I guess all the pay-to-win guys are still in bed.

I bought this Icebox to flip it, but I like it too much. It’s the horn.


It’s the Power Score. Most whales and seal clubbers avoid sub 5K PS because of the longer cue times.

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Its p2w. And the p2w is why theres bots all over this game. And the whales are the reason why bps get more and more trash in value.
Play CW and farm uranium, if u dont have the builds I would recommend not even playin this game unless ya cool with beenin at a disadvantage 24/7. Half the people who tell you otherwise dont even play the ranked mode, and just lie to make themself feel less pathetic for spending money for unfair advantages in this video game.

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Sometimes the 5kPS-6kPS range can seem even more challenging than 15kPS. During peak times there will be a few seal club teams running really trolly tactics, and a bunch of solo newer players and art builds. A lot of really imbalanced matchups, although if you slug it out you start recognizing the relatively small number of squads, and can prepare for them. That anti-Kapkan/drone module is very useful in that range right now.


The people who don’t feel it’s P2W are usually the people that don’t care about CW very much.
And if you read our posts, most of us have been saying that CW is at least somewhat P2W, but the rest of the game isn’t.
So basically we agree, but don’t think it’s a big deal, since only a minority of players actively participate in CW.


I think the MM is what is also frustrating OP. We’ve all had stretches in the game where a our team quickly dies multiple matches in a row.