Crossout randomly shuts down repeatedly

Hello there. I have recently started playing Crossout again, even put a bit of money into it. And now, just 2 days ago, the game has suddenly begun crashing randomly, after being able to play it for weeks with no problems.

The first time I got a crash handler message, since then, it just quits to desktop every time. It occurs anywhere between a minute and 2 hours in between, and is really disrupting my playing, as it often times kicks me out just seconds after I started a Raid, making me lose fuel.
The crashes aren’t limited to this though, i’ve had them happen in buildmode, test drive, plainly the main menu, and all sorts of missions.

Apart from that, reproducing the crash reliably hasn’t been successful. After reading a bit about it I have disabled DLSS, but that has not led to more stability. I have used the launchers’ Repair function, reinstalled my graphics drivers, reinstalled XO. I have also rebooted my PC plenty of times in that process.

I have uploaded the Exceptions, Logs and DxDiag.txt (i couldn’t upload them to the website), including the only one error log in itself, this one appears to be from when I actually got a crash exception handler that one time.

I’m hoping to hear back with ideas on how to fix this soon, the game is unplayable like this and it is frustrating.


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If you’ve installed any recent windows updates you can try rolling them back. (i.e in the last 2-3 days)

Try running system file checker to look for corruptions in windows system files. (win 8 to current)

Also maybe download and run a memory tester. (Bad memory can cause all sorts of issues randomly)

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For me, it was a failing hard drive that caused issues that sound exactly like this. It isn’t even a hard drive that is contributing to the user OS (is a backed-up disposable clone OS), but is simply installed in the computer and failing. I just turned it off (f2/set-up) and now I’m good.

My computer gave me a helpful “failing hardware (or something)” warning though, and we’ve been here done that.


Thanks for the quick replies!

I had no recent windows updates on my system. File checker has been run, the crashes still appear.
Would think with 32gigs of RAM I’d notice errors with that in other programs aswell? I also do a few very RAM heavy things with my PC at times, those never showed up with any errors.

Funnily enough, I did have a failing harddrive in my system, I have disabled it and it does appear to run a bit more stable now, but the issue persists still. It just occurs rarer.

I still don’t get any new Exception handler errors in the logs, it just closes entirely.
