will it ever happen? There are very few players in 14k+ powerscore in pvp, the queue times are insane (like 10min if you are in group or 5min solo, if you are lucky) or its just me?
At least bring back 8vs8 in consoles even if you fill the match with bots, currently with the 6 vs 6 mode the games are 3 vs 3 with bots, what is the difference if they add more bots?
I don’t want to play matches where the majority of my teammates are bots.
Although Next Step matches are often like that already, depending on the PS range and time of day.
Hopefully they can get crossplay with PC going, and then we could have 8v8 back for console.
@Poony4u I wouldn’t want it either, but I think it would be better for the new ones to do the challenges faster. And for target practice at least with bots
That’s what I use Patrol for: quickly clearing challenges, and testing out new builds.
I use the custom mode to test builds, usually set up a 1 v 3 or 4.
Patrol is pretty useless as a testing ground.
I play on PC but i’m enjoying more playing 6 vs 6 than 8 vs 8, probably there are more factors that come into play like respawns ( next step missions )
But there you are i think all of that makes the game more aggressive and fast paced, than the regular 8 vs 8.
It’s not better, it’s different but sometimes the game feels more open.
Why do you say that? What the difference between testing in Patrol and doing it in a custom match with bots?
In custom matches you don’t get the other players getting in the way or soaking up damage for you.
For outright damage Patrol is a good benchmark don’t get me wrong, but my considerations for testing a build are more about taking punishment, speed and manoeuvrability as well as dealing damage.
This is why I say 3 or 4 bots alone in a custom is better, if you can take on 3 and win the fight the build is usually pretty good in pvp.
Fair enough, I can see your logic.
For me, Patrol is closer to real matches with human allies and full teams, so I feel like I get more useful feedback on any issues.