I think it’s good that cyclones will be a deterrent to the incoming spiders vs dogs phase that looks like is coming. Thinking they’ll also be good at harassing hover snipers.
Maybe it’s time for me to give them a try. I think I have some unused cyclone workpieces.
I’m not sure what has brought about the Developer’s sudden surge of Cyclone love. 10 percent durability and 20ish percent damage increase in the same patch that Scorpions get 3 nerfs? I’ll take it. This will shake things up quite a bit.
It’s been obvious for a while that scorpion beats pretty much everything when it comes to long range.
Makes sense that they’d buff a long range AC to help balance that out a bit.
But I agree that it’s an unexpectedly big buff.
I’m happy about this change. Cyclones are a versatile weapon and the best part… A player only needs to obtain 2 of them to be effective at higher PS ranges and CW.
I’m happy too. The change isn’t a flat DPS boost though. They added shots per second but they didn’t increase the overheat rate so Cyclones overheat much more quickly. Instead of overheating in about 10 seconds, Cyclones now overheat in about 8 seconds. This makes the gun much better, as you can burst fire it, and then cool down in cover.
I think this statement is a little bit premature. I’m going to play them both for a while before coming to any conclusions. Stillwinds still feel good but Cyclones have a lot more pop now and 800 something durability is not to be discounted.
I play a twin Cyclone build for levi invasion battles, but no luck with them in CW. It was suggested I swap them for AC80s, but after the nerf, probably not worth the coins outlay.
Cyclones is one of the rotational weapons that has to be used as frontal weapon covered with armor so you dont loose it too quickly… It’s too big, the aim speed is terrible, it’s only good supporting from distance if you dont get attacked.
Cyclones be like: Mommy I want to go outside and play, but when I do everyone shoots at me cause of my size and big long dual pew, pews. Mommy can I get more body armor or lose some girth!?