Daily challenge "like brwlls"

The heck the challenges was fine, I can never find many matches in brawls. So its basically a non-doable daily. Change it back. Why do we have to like something anyhow we dont like. All of us may not like the brawls.

Since it been a bit since I ranted.
Fix Helicopters too. They are horrible handling characteristics. They struggle ascending and descending,
I hate is so much feel horrible having to fight it to fly.

Also had tilt to the hud on the helicopters so i can see when im tilted when flying scoped in.
Its very lame you dont have it because some would prefer to always have the roll feature on but they cant because scoping in and roll on makes you not be able to know the amount of roll the vehicle is doing and ya crash.


Open the Game Center, click the thumbs up next to 3 brawls. Get rich easy. :wink:

You want realism? Just look at all the people strapping a rotor to a tank or shipping container, and they perform as well as any copter-shaped helicopter. How the hell is that realistic? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Hold [space]

No space on Xbox :frowning:

Handbrake key

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