Developers, Publishers of Crossout. re: Pegasus

Question actually more of a request actually. re: Pegasus engine.
Being it was developed by the Dawns Children, Why has it not been added to the crafting tree?
Developers, Publishers of Crossout. Please make the engine “Pegasus” available for crafting. Or bring it back into event rotation again please ! (I would like to obtain one)
Thank you. :slight_smile:

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they stopped releasing blueprints for a long time. the last blueprint they added into the game permanently was the founders faction alongside the bastion cabin and a few others at that time. they then said they had absolutely no plans to include anymore permanent blueprints and they can only be accessed by events now. this is extremely disappointing and wrong on many levels because it creates demand and limited resources in the game until they decide to add more in for the richer players to make and sell to us for a premium. so your only way of getting it is hoping itll be released again in the future battlepasses / events.

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I understand that, Just wishful thinking .

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