Devourer mechanic

This is a strange request but:
Is it possible to change the devourer game mechanic?
It feels too similar to the reaper but with a huge cooldown disadvantage.

My suggestions are:
Give it a continuous fire (like reaper) and after some successful hits make the second set of barrels spin up alternating normal rounds and cryo/explosive.
Also, in my opinion inability to stop fire for a minigun does not make any sense.
Other weapons that have this mechanic do so logically - for example kaiju charges up and rapidly discharges.
Another interesting (in my opinion) mechanic would be increasing recoil (both for the target and the shooter).

the devourer is a weird gun. i personally dont like it but if you can get off the hits and get that ability on it then hooooooo boy your enemies will be running away like a dog with its tail between its legs. the ability is downright broken.

I honestly like that it’s not yet another brainless hold down button weapon and has some actual quirks to it, rather than being yet another minigun in the hold down firing button game

Honestly at least on the test rack it feels like it functions ok enough, then again I have way too much experience with charge to fire weapons, I am more used to that than just holding down the mouse button indifinitely. Not to mention if they do change how it works, the perk is too op and they’ll have to take it away or make the gun into yet another relic where it’s something like “Just a Reaper but also heats enemy or something, give us money”

If relics were anywhere near achievable, I’d possibly go for this instead of the Rippers I have always dreamed of, but if they were like normal miniguns I would ignore these all together. I am tired of every other weapon just being hold down firing button for all eternity

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I can see devourer being stuck in a ton of bad situations especially against hovers that go in and out of cover a lot. Your gonna waste a full volley of rounds against a scorpion/cannon/destructor hover playing peek a boo in and out of cover and then your totally exposed for 6 seconds.

Your also getting into diminishing returns with reload modules like the flywheel as a 20% reload boost won’t translate to a 20% dps boost like you would get from using a flywheel with other reload weapons like cannons. Also the freeze mechanic is pretty junky as well which is only effective against parts your unlikely to hit anyways like frames.

Also I don’t think it even does a whole ton of freezing, this dude only got a 17% damage bonus from the narwhal after dumping a full volley of devourer rounds at the damage meter.

you know the devourer is just a helicon right?
except instead of heating parts it freezes them.
helicon has heat, armor piercing and explosive.
devourer has cooling, armor piercing and explosive…
same damn concept different gun!

this is what i was thinking. the only way your hitting those 30 shots and getting that ability active is if your literally up in their face constantly and hitting your shots. but the thing is to if you get that ability off then holy crap that damage is insane. but thats the thing, IF you get it.

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