
howd i know it would use 2 battlepass items to make?
narwhal and the finwhale. jesus christ devs you guys are not being subtle or merciful at all huh?



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money money money

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Great topic here,

Sorry to add a voice and being a negative nelly but yeah it kind of blows to make it even more difficult and out of reach of most folks.

It’s like dangling the brass ring in front of our noses and then saying ha ha.

Soo then you only have players who are whales that have everything or successful clan wars folk who have it.

Maybe we will get an event where we can craft the Fin Engine and Cryocannon.


even if this happens who would spend all those resources on them?

Something similar happened with odin from what I can recall. I say they does it intentionally just to have a juiced up price at the beginning and then do something to reduce the crafting cost later. I had one player sell 4 legendaries in a row for bottom dollar (which I resold at profit) just so he could afford the devourer. Once those players got their devourers that’s when the devs will do something with the crafting cost.