* Devs----Ban nest from Heli Mode

Okay , I resend my previous posts. I see clearly how the nest on helicopters are an issue. I ran into a player with the user name “Frenchoverlord”. This guy was using Nest’s and was spamming the crap out of them . I was using the Kami + 2 Argus on separate keys & I couldn’t keep up with the amount of rockets he was spamming. I was quickly eliminated. I agree 100% BAN Nests mounted to helicopters. This is an issue .

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With two Argus and Kami all on separate triggers, shouldn’t you always have one available to counter Nests?
Was your opponent running three on separate triggers?
Or boosting their reload somehow?

Keep in mind that Nest reload is boosted after any successful lock. So if they target you once, they’ll be able to keep hitting you quickly until you get away from them. Thankfully they have to be very close to you to target you, so get better at running and hiding, rather than digging in and trying to overpower them.


Yeah, Blood lust was triggered. I wanted to smoke his Heli in a glorious ball of fire spiraling to the ground. Sadly it didn’t work out as intended LOL.

Oh I did have each one on separate triggers. I have never seen any nest pump out ordinance as quickly as his did. Something to me was awry.

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I under stand you are trying to help, I appreciate this. :100: :hugs: But when it comes down to arming yourself for anti rocket attacks with all the bells & whistles it takes away PS points for weapon systems formable for the PS needed in that particular missions mode. I refuse to play PVP anylonger due to the BS. The player I encountered had mastered the nest/helicopter build & was highly proficient with it. You could see by the movement of the craft they operated it like the Hover side to side tactic. I also can appreciate the creativity & stamina to master the build but, That is another reason I now solely play PVE . Hell, I even encountered another bloody Git in Bedlam of all places doing the same! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: They nailed me every time I respawned and had the arrogance to type in chat “EZ”. Yes, Ban the nest from all helicopter builds. One thing they have not thought about is weight ratios for helicopter builds. Just as weight ratios for certain cabins and movement part combinations for ground based vehicles. The rotors are almost virtually free of limits. It can be reached with an extremely heavy build . However (shooting myself in the foot here) running 2 Starfall’s & the paraphernalia to operate them without over heating is phenomenally crazy. Rotor lift capabilities should be limited with capacity weight ratio. No matter what cabin . I can see why the anti Helicopter fiasco is becoming in Crossout as the Anti Hover did.

In every mode, you will encounter a handful of players that have mastered a specific build. Unless a weapon/build is so popular that everyone starts switching to it, I’m not sure a big buff is warranted.
For example, someone who has spent a lot of time learning how to play a scorpion hover build can be very intimidating to face. When I’m getting stomped by one, I might entertain the thought that it needs a nerf. But then I remember that those builds aren’t actually that popular anymore. At that point, I just have to respect the people that are dominating with it.

Edit: were they running trombones with the nests? That could explain how they were able to spam faster than your countermeasures could keep up.

I didn’t stop to inspect each round coming in it was happening so fast.

I actually like your jokes about me working for the devs. Please don’t delete on my behalf!

I could use another source of income, and maybe if you keep joking about it they’ll hire me to say nice things about the game!