Devs need to fix this ASAP

How come we have toggles in the settings for hearing either our cabin engine sound or our secondary engine sound, but we don’t have a third option to hear both engines at the same time?

Seems unfair to people who like loud engines.

I’m not going to buy a single pack until this egregious mistake is corrected!

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nerf controls so nobody moves from base lol

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I suppose it could be done better in the garage itself with a sound mixer and save the setting to the build: Engine mix = Channel A + Channel B.

I had asked at one point if they could give each muffler a different resonance factor that could be mixed into the engine sounds.


Those would also be acceptable solutions!
Ideally I would love a mixer for all the types of sound effects: engines, explosions, your own gunfire, skidding sounds, homing missile beeps.


That would probably be nice though not all of those would need to be saved to the build.

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all the weapons should have a way deeper sound nd cannons, artillery, nd rockets should be very deep nd be heard all over the map nd deafning but i dont know what the devs are listening thru but i game with subwoofers nd sure it sounds ok but it could be better tho


Probably headphones.

some games let you change your own sounds in the files,but only you can hear it.
which makes sense.

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why? u want 2 horns at the same time?
maybe 2 songs playing at the same time?

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I wouldn’t hate if we could layer horns too.
I disabled the music after a couple days of playing the game (sorry game music composers!).

With engines it’s also a matter of realism. When we add an engine to a build, it adds to the power of our cabin’s engine. So for the sake of realism, we should be able to hear both at the same time.
On that note though, does the current setting only effect what we hear, or does it also change which engine other players hear when they drive by our build?

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you’ll have to try that with a friend to see what they hear…
i dont think there is any info on it.
as a rule i would say they only hear ur second engine until it gets shot off,then its ur cabin engine

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I guess I need to make some friends in-game again if I really want to know.

I always have it set to cabin engine these days, because there are some cabins that have great engine sounds (hello there Jannabi!), and because I get bored hearing the same few engines all the time.

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Yes, more better immersion.

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I can’t hear anything because of too many years of loud music.
Spending a large chunk of your adult life in clubs is fun, but not good for your ears.