Did they nerf King mines?

Seems like theyre doing a lot less damage than awhile ago :thinking:

I too get the feeling that something’s out of place occasionally. Like, I’ll log on, hit the queue, then go for a test spin and go, “WTF?! This ain’t right. What happened to my wheels? Where’s the patch-notes?” No patch notes.

Then if I try to bitch about it on the forum, nobody else seems to have noticed for various possible reasons.

I do believe they roll out some updates gradually in part, and also with unannounced nuances that they upload quietly in the night. Often you can see indicators on the Steam charts for when they do this in the form of an unexplained, sudden, brief, and momentary population drop to zero.

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i was curious why my king mine was doing so little damage. hell even bots were insanely hard focusing them to for some reason. id drop one and back up and they would run for the mine like it was a juicy cheese burger. and that was just a SINGLE MINE. though i have noticed that even if the mine exploded near the enemy it would deal alot less damage… what the hell is going on in this game? first shotguns are shooting ping pong balls at enemies and doing barely any damage and now kings?


I dont understand why they nerfed them so hard, it was one of the only few defenses against the whirl, tempest and melee meta.
Before i could cripple most cars with 2 or 3 mines.
Now i need 6+ mines to finish off a burning cab with everything blasted off.
I guess its time to sell them since they have been turned into useless firecrackers.

I was looking for this topic. Since i was about to going to buy them.
Could anyone post some garage vids ( could be a single screenshot with damage numbers done to a bot )
So, SG are meh, allegedly king mines are meh, that leaves me the drones and lances ( lances is just for the kicks and dailies)
But i’ll have no option left but to get seriously into lances if this keeps on
Any ideas for more close range weapons?

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Sure thing friend,

Heres a short video i just made about king mine damage from a distance, and close to cab.

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That was against a starter bot ( very low PS ).

Against a “real” build…it’s not great.

Perhaps at a lower price point…

I think it’s supposed to be more a deterrent than an outright damage dealer, like a Kapkan with some teeth, or to beef up reload times using the Hadron. As an outright damage dealer they aren’t it anymore.

TBH I’m not mad it got nerfed, when it first came it was an utter cancer, although much can be said of almost every new item that was pack only, and when it made enough money it was on to the next one. I wouldn’t really want to suggest how to fix them because I hated them being in the game that much, made it immediately less fun.

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if you thought that was bad you shouldve seen kapkans when they first came out LOL it was like a medieval bondage dungeon :rofl:

Honestly , glad i stopped playing this broken game while ago

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I was there, I know. At the time annoying A/F but given the current play style I now appreciate how the kapkan could be used as a tactical nuance and reign in the “press W” meta we currently have.

i thought it was pretty funny at first. it did get a bit irritating but man i saw a guy in the middle of like 25 kapkans being harpooned by them all, the guy looked like a pin cushion. hell he had a bunch of other people in there with him after a while but geez i swear i seen him get harpooned from every angle.

its to bad they nerfed them into uselessness now. cant hold a heavy build for crap and bots just insta target them. kinda depressing really.

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Definitely need a re-work, mine have been sat gathering dust for too long, tried to use them a couple of weeks ago but gave up after a few matches when not a single player got snagged :confused:

i have two kapkans i bought for a triple porc build for the event 2 years ago on christmas, it sort of worked but often times the kapkans would be useless as one would always get destroyed immediately. on top of that bots had this update to them to literally avoid kapkan mines. literally when they spot one they will just tiptoe around the edge of where the kapkan cant reach and keep shooting at it till they hit it. so… yeah… support weapons are kind of awful now. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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TBH the bots didn’t annoy me so much, I used them more for tactical advantages in CW/PVP to control parts of the map and to snag annoying melee/firebugs.

sorry lol
when i used to run kapkans on my old incinerator build i ran a single kapkan with 2 incinerators on a blight. stupid melee users would always think im easy pickings and come right for me not knowing i had two kapkans waiting for them. when theyd hit me or come near me my kapkans would snag them and id hit them with a boosted incinerator and burn them up. now though?? kapkans wont work on anything going 75+ km/h and will break with enough force. this honestly just ruined them. tbh i think the most broken weapon in the entire game was the skinner, if anything the skinner was more broken then the kapkan because back then you could harpoon someone infinitely and never let them go. this costed me and my team quite a few clan wars matches where we wouldve won if it wasnt for that. still though i think with the kapkans limitations and long reload time that it should get a bit of a buff. its a defensive weapon for a reason.

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