Doing a raid by yourself.idea for Solo Raids?

was easy raid,but they quit at the beginning or got disconnected.
anyway was kinda cool doing by myself.

maybe we can have solo raids like this. just a thought.


this is something id like is solo raids or clan / friend only raids with no randoms.
of course they can still have the randoms if you want.

what id like more is leviathan themed raids. bring your own levi along with a friend / clan mate and fight through a raid together with what you built.


I want copter raids. Copter Patrol matches are too short, maps are too small, and I spend longer in the queue than I do in the match…and ya, I like easy raids better solo, myself. Done it once or thrice.

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they said they were planning them in the release of the aircraft update. sooooo i guess we have something to look forward to?

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Ya, that and mass weapon fragility, I suspect.

Copter raids and leviathan raids are great ideas.
I really want an opportunity to drive my leviathan outside of CW.