Dont rush in newb. Thats whot i was told

But i did, and i kept rushing in, and the more they said “Dont waaa rush in” the more i rushed in. Now, rushing in is a thing, even op. Because its effective and matches are shorter.
Youre welcome.
Keep your responses respectful
Happy grinDing


Thank you

Welcome to the community.

Embracing it?

Im responsible for taking it to its current level on ps4, so as a result, 99 percent of whot i say pertains to my own ps4 gameplay experience.

They kept saying it, so i decided i shood listen to them, for a lil while, so, i dusted off the oLd Hurricanes.

Now, i just camp out back in 14700ps for a careless lock.
Not hard to get lock long range and a lil bit of mid, but no short range none.
Cane has 150metre arc, So anything inside 150 is prolly gonna miss.

This is so much easier now im doing it.

Artillery i mean

Happy grinDing

why are you talking to bots ? :rofl:
makes me think you are a bot. :thinking:



Like i haven’t heard th@ a gazillion times

rolls eyes

They are polite, and for a moment i thought it was yU

Dude’s a troll. Basically the same thing.

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There’s a few types of rushing in: You can rush in has a group, you can rush in solo has a distraction and quickly get away, you can rush with a build like lances or firedog for a quick kill, then there’s the mindless guarantee suicide rushing into a guarantee gank situation with no regard of where your team is positioned which is the bad/noob category of rushing in. Yea, context matters and if someone tells you not to rush in they don’t know what they talking about because they are playing a one size fits all playstyle which is not how good crossout gameplay works. You got to learn to adapt depending on the situation.



I concur

Th@s affirmative

Good 2go

Dun em all, all the way upto 16k, like this, until maybe 1 month ago.

My build is my armour, my allies are my strenght, i am the spearhead that my armour protects, as thee strike me down, so my allies shall strike down upon 100 foLD…iiiie iii will be remembered, but they, they will go ONNN

Now i just use Hurricanes @ 14700ps classic 24 7, which is hard because Canes are so so goood, and everyone is learning it

Happy grinDing