
Opinions on new gun? I’ve only tested it in test drive mode and having a lot of experience with charge2fire weapons I don’t think this will be any levels op or a favorite of mine, but at the same time possibly a bit easier to land shots compared to fortune because you only need to hit 1 shot instead of a burst of three shots

My biggest hope for the gun is that the initial craze of it makes fortunes go down in price so I can buy 3 of those rather than 3 of dooms but if it drops to something like 600 coins a pop I might try the poortunes to get some fortune experience

Not a big fan of fortune style guns to begin with so luckily no screaming need to get my hands on them instantly, last time I checked they’re going for 2800 coins with fortunes 1550

Also the pack car is god awfully put together guns can’t aim for anything, I know that is usually the case but this one is just beyond the usual level of unplayable

Reminding me of the miller, will make the fortune obsolete until they realize the massive error and nerf the thing.


idk… i mean to me they seem ok but holy crap that charge time is exceedingly long. i think thats whats going to really hold them back.
im kind of curious though how the extra explosive from them works. upon being hit they bounce off the target and retain some of that explosive damage but… if another car runs into it does it explode or just explode after a set time? i tried using it in the garage to test it but its so tricky cause of the way the explosives bounce. from what i seen the car was right on top of it but it didnt explode and only exploded after a set amount of time passed…

ive stated a bit above my thoughts on it but im curious why they made it shoot 2 projectiles at once. i thought it would be like the fortune and shoot them one after the other, not at the same time. but tbh that charge time on them is really long. i think thats whats going to really hold them back from being as good as the fortunes. plus im not dumping 3k coins per doom to test and see how well they work. maybe itll go down in due time but… 3k per epic is not worth it imo even if they are good.

Maybe in a few months these become affordable enough to try out, fingers crossed

I’ve been seeing some more of these now in use, and I feel like I won’t possibly enjoy these

All the shortcomings that I hate on charge to fire guns in general, especially on the snowfall, seem very prominent on these things

Long charge time and semi-long reload, sluggish trajectory, bad stock damage and projectile speed semi-forcing you to charge the shots, I worry these will suck bad in practice

And I hate how every charge2fire weapon just screams you to fuse them for less time needed to charge them, almost out of design

yeah i was testing them in the pack and i was stunned at how long the charge time is on them. (i didnt buy the pack just testing it out). i find the reload to be a little long to but it can be brought down with the hadron… which i think is the only cab you can run them on efficiently. as for the charge time… ehhhhh idk… i think the best solution is to fuse them for less charge time? i dont recall anything that reduces charge time.


stock damage? whats that?
the projectile speed is a bit dumb to. its alot faster when its charged but regular idk…

i like the snowfall as a weapon, its trajectory and charge to fire… not so much. it is a trick weapon to use though.

thats probably how it WAS designed. i mean… minus a few charge weapons. the Astraeus being one of them. though i feel the charge time on that weapon is to fast but meh.

No Doom review, got Fortunes cheaper than Dooms, am having fun

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Fortunes probably are the better bet. The longer recharge time of dooms was the major turn-off for me. I have a pair of fortunes mounted on a copter, which is not the greatest idea, but when I just wanna fool around, it’s alot of fun.

Dooms have been a major improvement over Fortunes for me. I snagged two, and have been running them on a fast build, timing hit-and-run attacks around the charge-up. This thing just prints patches, so I burn through the BP dailies in Next Step in no time.

…also been good for farming that Pink Salt.

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hes currently present! :joy:

They’re decent, even grabbed 2 on PC and got my highest score with them the same day

Finally, with the brawl and managing to buy some, I’ve gotten to try out Dooms a lot, and I can safely say I like them more than Fortunes. I am just a bigger fan of hitting a singular shot over a volley of three shots, even if it comes at the cost of charging up a shot.

Talking of charging, that is the biggest downfall of the gun, it’s like the annoyance of trying to charge and hit a target with Astraeus, Waltz and Snowfalls, but on steroids. It takes forever to charge up a shot pretty much, but it kinda goes ok with the hit and run tactics of this gun, and the added projectile speed is felt really nicely.

The perk itself is a bit of a no-perk, 9/10 times when using this gun the secondary explosion round just flies off into a random direction, never hitting anything, no matter how tightly knit groups you unload into. I have once seen a singular shot somehow divide up and end up under a build and pop a generator, but outside of that the usual user experience is that you hit the enemy once for big damage and any of the perk stuff just does not happen and they fly off somewhere or are left on the ground.

I’d say the perk of the gun is more on how you do more damage and your mines spin faster the more you charge, than what it truly is, the perk stuff just does not hit anything

But yeah a single shot long charge time Fortune pretty much, if you liked fortunes but struggled to hit all three shots you’ll most likely like this, but if you already hate charge to fire weapons you might want to not bother with this one because the charging up time is painfully slow. The perk does not do much you’re not going to be hitting multiple opponents or groups of people with the help of it because 95% of the time no matter how you shoot or where the leftover mines go, either get left on the ground or fly right back at you or up into the air, they won’t hit anything. But at the same time it does not need the help of it’s perk to do nice damage and be effective

Sounds like someone hasn’t shot 3 players with 1 shot due to the perk… that perk can be catastrophic depending on there you fire it… use it like you’re drilling into a build, it’s awesome.

Hitting a brick’s wheels only to have the after-shot go inside/under their build and blow up all their shit… or deep into the frames of a hover…

Still no luck with the perk, but I am having fun even if I can’t notice the perk doing much things

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Had a lot of fun with it in the brawl, it’s actually really easy to use and the charge-up time seems fine for anticipating targets

I’ve now gotten some of those lucky shots in where the perk does things and when it decides to do that, boy is it devastating

Also I am having extreme fun with the gun and the build I am using, getting a fully charged Doom, with fully charged Aggressor perk as well, to hit an enemy is so satisfying and destructive

Doom is a better Fortune