Drones and turrets Should be limited to 2 per vehicle

sidekicks have 125 HP, grenadiers 150, the only one with that low is annihilators, which are not part of this infact I experessly state they dont apply for this.

That is literally the point of drones.

you must be talking about the pods durability ( most useless thing about the drones) , My build often outlives my payload. each drone, ( falcon, Hawk, sidekick) has 30 durability, if you fuse them for durability they will be at 60 durability. Pretty lame if you ask me, so lame that i went for damage increase and range.
Even Luparas and chords have no problem in shooting down drones even fused ones for dura. It’s that dire

Yeah but they should be something more. I run only 4, i don’t run Genesis modules in PVP, i only run Genesis in events, like the last Ravage event, the reason why, i saw since i used to run MGs and SGs, drone builds with… the most i saw was one with 28 drones yet to release and he SD.
He had sufficient payload to single handed win that match and he SD.
Playing Drones is fun, but a droner has everything against him.

  • Cooldown times it’s just too long ( even with BFs and cheetah)
  • drones durability it’s pathetic
  • they nerfed the IA on the drones to a point that’s also pathetic.

Changes i would like to see in my drones :


  • More durability ( right now, you can insta shootdown the drones at their release)
  • Less cooldown or no cooldown at all ( this way i could consider using a genesis or more genesis)
  • changing the perks of the BFs and putting the actual BFs perk in a module ( this way would free my builds of having to have that type of wheel = more freedom of creativity)


  • higher readiness
  • follow the dealer behaver and speed increase ( do what hawks do but on the ground, and be able to keep up with the mothership)
  • More durability
  • Less cooldown or no cooldown at all
  • 3 energy points instead of the current 4 points ( to put in line with the hawks which are in the same tier and type of weapon).

Small changes like that would make me happy.

Ok your info is just outright wrong, not the pods. the vehicles themselves have 125 and 150 HP I know I have killed enough of them in battle. I can’t take you seriously if you don’t even know basic info about them.

Ok. i thought there was something missing in your perspective. But we can fix that very fast if you play on PC.

Please check out if you received an invite


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It’s not a misconception. I understand full well that wedging the target is usually the best option with Sidekicks and Grenadiers. It’s not really an option with Fuzes, or Yaos, or Annis, or flying drones, tho… It’s also not what most droners do, either. Pinning a target against a wall in a way they can barely defend themselves will always be stronger than any weapon… I don’t find it’s very relevant to a discussion on the passivity of drone gameplay, when 95% builds are actively trying to ram regardless of weapons.

Your comment about drones being “unable to hold the line” I agree with, and that’s just a byproduct of their design. They have been able to hold the line, and when they did, they were everywhere, from 5k PS to top 10 CW lol. Because they have no power spike, and an extremely passive gameplay. You deploy them, if they’re strong they melt people while you sleep, if they’re not (they shouldn’t in their state) they do nothing. Hence the whole “active abilities” thing, that gives them a power spike and an opportunity to do something… if you play your cards right.
Because lets be honest, droners might complain that Grenadiers suck RN, but we all remember what it was like when Grenadiers didn’t suck. The whole game sucked instead… Same thing than when Caucs or Nests or any other “clic once in a random direction” weapon was strong.

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Nope its the deployers that have that HP, thus why the deployers can tank a bit of damage but if you fart next to a turret it breaks, and if you can destroy flying drones with chords in 2 seconds, I suggest you destroy the drones/turrets instead of focusing on the deploying build, even bots know that and do that quite often now, to the point in patrol drones and turrets are 70% less effective in that mode now then before the devs made it that the bots target the drones.

Hopefully, war watches the video, it actually information

Buff the Call.

Yeah, give me back my 7kph!

Right now, I’m seeing a lot of Boars with a full deck of birds doing fairly well. I can’t say I’m doing bad with the sidekicks and a cobra either, but that speed nerf on my call hurts, and I think my passive melee attacks were more effective before that. The Boar seems to have hijacked my gig and appears better for the job now.

I don’t think drones need to be buffed, but the Boar is demonstrating that the right cab means a lot, and I think a buff to the Call would put them closer to where they might ought to be, IMO.

I want creepy spider legged drones. They should be smaller, weaker, spawn by 2s, and crawl all over the target before exploding.

Also, a flying drone that wanders about, like the wheeled drones, rather than hovering above the user.

wedging not so much, but ram yes.
wedging with flying drones will bring problems to the droner, like offering to the adversary a stationary target (the drones).
As is, a droner’s success is directly linked to how much he is ignored in a match, because by itself a droner has no margin margin to be successful against everything.

In one hand flying drones will provide for a faster paced game ( very rally like) great to pursuit wavering builds on the other hand they are extremely fragile.

Sidekicks on the other hand, they can have more survivability than the flying drones, they aren’t so closed to the eye level / crosshair level as hawks are , each one goes in different directions and have more jagged trajectories, but they also require the involvement of the mothership, you have to be there, to try to take the focus out of them both.

To me it’s fun, but very luck dependant with a great workload.

Yes, the drones of yesterday were OP, but now they are too weak. they were over nerfed, at least giving them a survivability in line to other weapons of the same tier.

Falcons, Hawks and sidekicks ( are the ones i have and i can speak for) really need it.

What problem would this even solve? Drones are so weak that you don’t even need to shoot them. If you have a bumper and some speed, you can just ram them and they’re gone. Turrets are basically target practice for anyone that can shoot a stationary object that does 1 damage every 10 billion years. Wheeled drones’ AI is so stupid that they sometimes destroy themselves. And they have even worse health than the turrets. The drones that hover over you and follow you around are so weak you sneeze at them and they’re dead. And they’re incredibly easy to kill, just aim above the drone carrier. Unlike regular guns that can be put in hard to hit places, those things hover right over the carrier. And if you use those drones and are invisible, you might as well not be invisible, since the drones are still visible and hover over your build. Not that hard to find out where the carrier is when cloaked with the drones hovering over him.

Drones are bad because they’re useless. Even if you play perfectly and are actively supporting the team, all the enemy has to do is use their brain and click on the drones, and they counter the carrier. Wow, such hard counter-play, just click on them and they’re gone.

The actually needed change is for their energy cost to be halved. This way, drones can actually have an advantage: overwhelming numbers, so even if they are still individually weak, some of them can at least get some hits in and do something. And, because of that, more drones need to be carried by the carrier, meaning larger builds, meaning easier to hit. So, you gain an advantage and a disadvantage.

And genesis should be buffed, it has more PS than the ammo box, higher rarity, takes more space and offers less ammo. More ammo for the drones means less times where the last droner guy runs away because he is out of drones and can’t do anything.

Drones already are much weaker than the manual control weapons (lower fire rate, lower damage, no perks, not guaranteed hits - especially with grenadier, anaconda and owl, cannot be concealed or protected in any way). And that’s alright, but give them something good unique to them, so it doesn’t feel like you’re just playing normal weapons, but without needing to aim them yourself.

So, halving their energy cost gives them that unique advantage that you cannot get with other weapons: strength in numbers, weak individually. You could still gun them all down in seconds, but at least you’d get some hits in before getting your drones destroyed.

Tried all types of drone and didn’t care for the play style as they were also semi worthless other than getting in the way of allies. What drones I do have are unable to be discarded or sold. Just paper weights in my inventory.

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they are completely useless in pve as well. bots target them instantly and dont even target you until they destroy the drones which some bots can unfairly hit them at close range despite the weapons they use. shotguns seems to have the widest radius for some reason.
i love drones, but ever since they nerfed them they just suck. im sure you know why they nerfed them, but really they should buff certain drones but keep others nerfed due to their brokenness.

whats odd is the new drones are 9 energy, meanwhile the aurora is 8 energy so its pointless to use the fatums over the aurora. keep the extra energy point.

i have one fused for efficiency and it gives more drones. i mean it only gives 1 more or so but microfactories are odd. even if i had a bunch of them i still wont have to many drones. once i had a drone build with a bunch of them and it gave me 14 fuze drones and i ran 3 of them at a time. harpy cab, cheetah, cloak and 3 fuzes would hit HARD. id watch them go in and just blast huge chunks of armor off brick builds and chunky armored builds. it was satisfying but then the nerf came in and fuzes suffered the most. i just want my hard hitting drones back, screw the cabin that “boosts” them.

grenadiers were BROKEN back then and im glad they got nerfed so hard. anacondas and owls need a massive overhaul because they are so incredibly weak that theres no point in ever running them. you could eat a three course meal before they reload and fire again and their damage is so bad i imagine it plays a laugh track when the missile does hit… assuming it doesnt faceplant itself into the ground like 60% of the time…

could just wait for an event to unfuse them and sell them off or salvage them but i wouldnt recommend that.

Drones are good in Red Light!

First time I’ve ever really used my generic flying drones.

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Not that much alright.

I only use sidekicks and Hawks cause the rest it’s kinda meh, one of the tags of my build is close combat and often is how i use them, and i have to, for non other reason that i have to remain inside 35 metres of my drones to take advantage of the co-driver perk ( there are other reasons).
My payload is 4 drones, i often play aggressive, my builds is like a punching bag to take some focus away from my drones, so i try to keep explosive bits down and away from my builds outside operations. Ok, that is my choice.
But things stacks against me.

  • I have to manage where and when i deploy them.
  • every type of build can dispose of my drones with relatively easy
  • if i encounter MGs i’m simply hopeless, they have a certain control to their cooldown, greater DPS, and a bigger durability in their guns.

Things i would like to see improved.

  • Except droners, i don’t see anybody else walking around with exposed pre durability buff gasgens, each drone is comparable with the old gasgen

  • some way to have more control or flexibility in the rigid drones cooldown

Drones need a scrap and reimplementation. Buff them without reworking them and you get sidekick meta gameplay from years and years back where a bunch of dudes are spamming drones, partially capping, and then fleeing from every direct fight for minutes on end.

  1. They need to be much bigger, more powerful, and more limited in quantity, 2 drones per build limit.

  2. Manually controlled, can be played like mini helis and jets. Single most important drone change needed.
    These two above open the door to having light cabin sized drones that carry missiles, recoilless rifles, energy weapons etc. The small drones can & could exist as nuisance missile drones and support drones.

  3. Serve a reconnaisance purpose and support roles. They can replace radar detectors which are OP and need nerfing. They can jam radio and so players cant transfer map info to one another when near a drone. They can function as an argus. They can cast a spotlight that illuminate cloaked vehicles that drive near them.

like this?