Dusk vs Steppe Spider

I finally decided to try pyres, and while I’m having some fun playing them on my trusty fused harpy, I think I want to try one of the cabins that specifically buff missiles.

Am I right in thinking Steppe Spider buffs homing missiles as well as conventional missiles?

And if so, which one do you guys thing I should buy?

I’m tending towards Dusk, because it seems more suited to the fast wheeled builds I enjoy playing.

But Steppe Spider is tempting. I’ve seen how it turns Snowfalls into a completely different kind of weapon, and I’ve been looking for an excuse to explore that.


I was using a Torerro and switched to a Steppe Spider recently. I think the reload time is faster but don’t notice a huge difference. The issue I have with the Dusk is that it limits missile lifetime. I sold the cabin before I actually got to try it though.

dusk is a pretty bad cabin. for a light cabin your best to go for harpy.
reasons being its a light cabin with a mass limit of 8600 kg.
this thing will not last very long in combat. on top of this the perk of the cabin is so bad and forces you to be closer then youd want to be. this can either be a good thing or a bad thing. i think it would be mostly used for hit and run builds.

perk: homing rockets deal 20% more damage and fly 20% faster. however, the lifetime of the projectiles is reduced by 67%, and their maneuverability and target aquisition range are also reduced.

this is just not a good perk for a cabin to have, especially for a light cabin.

thing is, i have 3 of these cabins i bought for a little under 220 each and their around 410 - 420 right now. im hoping they get a buff so that i can sell them for a profit lol.

as for steppe spider… im getting conflicting results here. i looked it up and some say it does effect rockets like hurricane and pyre, but most say it doesnt effect homing rockets.
“it affects every rocket except tow, pyre, hurricane, trombone, nest, and flute” is what someone said on reddit.

edit: just tried using the steppe spider with a pyre and it gives no boost to it.

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As far as Dusk goes, the fast hit-and-run thing is exactly what attracted me to it. I know that it means you have to get close, but I’m ok with that.
I remember when it was new, and people were using it with Pyres almost like reloadable lances. I think it got nerfed after that, but I’m still interested in seeing what I can do with it.

Sitting back and launching homing missiles from across the map just isn’t that exciting for me.

And you are sure that Steppe does nothing for pyres?
(Thank you for checking for me)

I’m thinking I may buy both anyway. Eventually I want to own everything, and neither cabin is super expensive right now.

yeah steppe spider doesnt do anything for pyres. so i used the damage counter to test it. heres my results…
harpy does 89 damage
any other normal, non damage boosting cabin does 89.
steppe spider cabin does 89 damage
dusk does 107 damage

so yeah steppe spider has no effect on pyres or hurricanes.

i have 3 dusk cabins but i want to sell them when they go up in price a little more. it may not happen but you never know.

reloadable lances? i dont remember it getting a nerf though.

its just homing missiles in general have way to many counters to them to be of any use. if you can close the distance and hit then yeah they are not that bad. hitting them before they have a chance to react. but far away they can be to easily countered. if you have a spark they literally cant do anything to you.

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Steppe Spider doesn’t give a damage buff to any missile actually: it only increases the speed and accuracy of missiles (which is still very useful for all missiles).

build a beefy heavy build with humpback

:thinking:After reading this thread I decided to build up a temporary Steppe Spider cabin with 4 Pyralid’s build . I was pleasantly surprised at the results. Gonna fuse the whole lot and see what kind of mayhem it can cause! :smirk:

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Nice! I like pyralids, so I’m going to try that too.
Ended up buying both cabs, but haven’t had a chance to try the Steppe yet.
Dusk is interesting, but I’m still experimenting with how to mount the rockets best. So far, side mounting seems to be the only way I can get the close range shots to hit. I’ve put half the rockets on each side, on separate triggers, so that I can fire only the ones that are at the correct angle. Even then, it’s easier to miss than I’d like, but I also don’t mind a bit of a challenge.

I figured posting the perks of each cabin can clarify their use.

So I figure using the Steppe spider cabin for the Pryalids would be a good choice. Although, I did try a 3 pack of Crickets as well. Both a lot of fun just got to figure out a quicker reload without loosing any weapons exchanged for the points with said cabins.

Doesn’t the special reload module only cost 1 energy?
I bet Steppe is really good with crickets. I might pick some up again to use with it.

I think Steppe only effects non-homing rockets. At one point it effected Heather but not sure these days. Lucifer, Waltz, Helicon, Snowfall, Locust and so on get the perk, but pyre hurricane and so on do not. I think they even mentioned it specifically does not effect any homing rockets multiple times way in the past

Dusk is the only thing that effects homing rockets in a weapon altering way, and I am unsure if it effects the non-traditional ones like Nest or Trombone at all. But if it does, you do not want them to because the perk would work against the weapons missile trajectory and you pretty much would not hit anything, because of the missile flight path of “overhead” homing missiles. But sadly the Dusk Pyre or Dusk Hurricane builds are pretty much dead in modern day crossout, Dusk is more like a relic of pre-Supercharged, pre armor changes crossout.

For Pyres specifically Dusk is gonna offer a different kind of a hit and run playstyle, but about the same efficiency as any traditional harpy pyre build. Steppe won’t do anything for Pyres


oh. i didnt notice any kind of speed boost or accuracy. do you?