They need a nerf, the meta has settled over the last year and wheels are far above everything else. They are the most durable, they have the best perks, they lowest powerscore, they have the best ratios for tonnage, mass, and hp. They have received numerous grip buffs and they can gain speed while driving uphill. They can drive around in a 15m circle at top speed without losing speed and pull out of it instantly going back up to full speed on the speedometer.
Wheels need a rework really badly right now. Less dura, less grip (10-15%), same acceleration loss uphill as other movement parts, weaker perks, in exchange for full reverse speed and diagonal driving. (Q/E to force all wheels to steer the car to strafe 20-30 degrees)
Atoms, Omnis, Gerridas, ML200, Tracks and Meatgrinders still need buffs. There is nothing else to play except wheels, bigrams, and hovers unless you want to lose to every single competent wheel player you come across because they can swerve around you doing figure 8’s inside a 30m circle without losing any speed while tanking raijin shots to the side without losing more than a single wheel. Its bullshit.