Error 6: Timeout

Today, I’m getting these timeouts when doing missions. I can click the “ok” button and the mission continues and I can complete it, but it’s annoying as it happens multiple times in the same mission. Any idea what’s causing this?


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Here are the results of the network test…

dont know yet, but it’s good if your in a raid and Don’t lose fuel…

They’re testing a new feature. Next update, the “OK” button will have a coin or crosscrown symbol with a number next to it. So you can conveniently time back into a battle by paying a little. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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It’s been happening to me every day this week. They’re working on something.

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It’sss baaaaccckkkkk…



Edit: the final image was a little wonky, so I took another:

All this money people are giving them for new packs and weapons ect but there not fixing servers or the game it self! D:<

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We need Trump to buy out the game, and then things would get fixed fast.

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I dont think Trump can do much hes not a programer might need to ask a big game company…

He’d get the right people in there who know what they’re doing, in terms of planning, marketing, design, and technology. The game would no longer be treated like a redheaded stepchild.


Did you know that rrump invented water in california?

Holy hell you people are delusionally stupid. Maybe you should try to pitch the devs your grandiose plans for the game like the canadian former trumper tried to. But also, keep playing the game and buying crap ofc, smart.

yes we know…that’s why cali will have water now,to put out fires and for the farmers and residents.
would of never happened under Biden or Harris trying to save fish never did under their 4 years in office. :saluting_face:

Exactly, thats very smart of you. Youve chosen the god ruler who solves all mysteries, hes definitely not just conning you into believing exactly that while doing all sorts of crazy things he doesnt tell you about that might just fuck up your life.

But the “alternative” media give you the full truth so you know whats going on, not like msm who only lie. What do you think about elon making donald walk back on h-1b visa?

Having some pesky indian who earns five times as much as you in the country shouldnt hurt you anyways, you can still wash his car, or clean his house or something, itll be cool. America first, not americans first, hell yeah!

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You’re talking out of your ass again. In the technology fields, these people are brought in because they only charge ONE THIRD of what they pay a U.S. worker. And when they go back home, that ONE THIRD lets them live in better luxury than many of us. In my time in the computer field, they could hire 3 of them for every 1 of us.