Event containers

so the logisticans… or however you spell it… containers. did you guys like these? what did you use yours to get? more storage space for items or more blueprints for more vehicles?
i still have like 4 of them, im not going to really use mine yet as i need 1 more to get anything expanded but i think i might save them and use them when i really need it.
actually i got 3 expanded storage items in my inventory. im patient so i can wait to get more.
but yeah did you guys like that they gave them out basically for free?
and yes they were free, all you had to do was play the events to get them.

I need the storage space expansion, but couldn’t bring myself to endure the brawl for the resource. I didn’t think it was too hard or anything. It’s not, but I just wasn’t into it. I’m trying not to let this game pressure me into doing stuff I don’t enjoy (the “grind”).

Right now I’m going for the storage spaces…would love more bp slots of course, but that message about “you can’t go into battle because your storage is full” rears it’s unfriendly head every now and then.

I’m saving my crates, so I can do either one when i need it, because I do not know which one I will need

the events werent even that hard. i spent maybe 30 minutes doing the wheels of fortune to get mine. sure it wasnt fun but it was doable and fast, and also FREE STORAGE.
i just did it because i wanted the free storage sooooo yeah :rofl:

i might need to do this again soon to. though the cost of these storages keeps going up. ugh… the issue here is that if they keep releasing battlepasses like this we will all eventually run out of room should we keep buying them. these items require more and more storage spaces and when each expansion only increases it by 25 thats a problem. especially when we start needing like 6 - 10+ storage expansions per 25 inventory slots. otherwise we will need to either buy them, make them using our resources, make them using our badges to buy the resources, or wait for battlepasses or events. to me this is a lose lose situation because storage isnt cheap and it keeps going up in cost as you expand.

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Yeah, I even curtailed buying discounted car packs as “investments”, because I’d have no storage space left. Bummer…

Isn’t that dumb? They want you to spend real money on packs but you have no space to put them. The pack should give you space to put the pack in.

developer logic! :crazy_face: :man_shrugging:

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Ya, I know. I did a few. This game has used up most of my patience for it, and the opportunity was obscured by my lack of enthusiasm for playing the game in general. At this point, the moment I find this game even remotely unamusing, I log off. I still like it as a concept, but I’m tired of it’s BS. If it was my child, I’d have beaten it’s ass and sent it to it’s room long ago.

Please adopt it :pensive: :pray:

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