Event craftables

so theres a few things i do want from this event.

fused aegis prime though i am contemplating this because it will cost me quite a bit to buy a second one. though that reload perk is tempting.

another new years flare cause i want another damnit!

a dozen donuts cause mmmmmmmmm donuts.

2 fused gravastars cause they would compliment my other fused gravastar.

just got a fused beacon 11 and got it for a stupidly cheap price which is 220 coins per cabin so 440 coins and its got the god fused perks so yay.

impeller for some heli building… assuming i get more car storage anytime soon… :roll_eyes:

2 yaoguai’s to have a set of 3

argus because i just want a fused one.

emilys and maybe a few fused ones?? … not decided on that yet.

fused genesis cause i have 6 of them in my inventory and i want more little minions to destroy and crawl all over my enemies.

leech… cause i never got one before and i want it for the entry.

so yeah anything you all wanted to get?

Wanted to get either an Acari or an Icebox, Kensei or Inferno. Choice between these was based solely on which ever I could get the cheapest

Got the Kensei because I got them for cheap enough at a point, and don’t wanna spend any more coins and save the rest I have made from selling a beachduck

That was about the only thing I found tempting on the list. However I only have 1 running on a single build so it’s not very much of a priority.

yeah, i wanted it for the reload time because it takes forever to reload without the cheetah. i mean its not super important though but primes cost around 3k coins which… i dont have atm.
only got 1.4k atm and i was thinking of getting something else like… idk maybe some emilys? i fused a few that i had so i was thinking about getting 2 more fused to have a set of 4 fused ones.

I’m wanting the purple event box so I can get another rune, it’ll be a while, but I’m 1/3 of the way there in crackers, everything else I can just buy if I get desperate lol. Rune prices went up so high, I got my last one for 700-800 somewhere in there. I had 2, used one to craft a Jackie last BP, now I’m trying to get the other one back so I can at least have 2 again. :sob:

i think the only thing worth it in the crate is the rune or the gerrida since they go for 1.3 -1.4k per leg. and hell i seen the runes go as high as 3k per rune. the ducks though are just a massive waste.

Same with the reload. It always seems to be reloading when I need to use it. It’s only a little less on the PC right now but some of it’s crafting components are down right now. I could afford it either way but it’s just way low on the need list.

I thought about doing goliath tracks but -mass and -power usage aren’t the upgrades that I really want.

Much of the other stuff is don’t really need.

Purple box is a possible if I bother to play enough.