*EVENT*..Reduced upgrade cost for weapons and hardware! šŸ˜‰

Like me and my lone fused porcupine, my sole biggest regret in crossout. I only did it because porcs were selling for around 15k at the time and there was a fusion event on the go and I got the urge to fuse one. Do not do it you will regret it.

Waitā€¦ Iā€™m confused. Thatā€™s still an improvement, even if you didnā€™t get what youā€™d hoped for.

Bro got a god-rolled fused Porc, isnā€™t happy about itā€¦

First world problems U_U

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maybe he used the cc and only later realized his folly.

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With stabilizers in the game, Iā€™m a little confused as to how or why youā€™d repeatedly upgrade something without using them.

Please tell me yā€™all were doing this before they were introduced.

I thought it was too but the 25% increased projectile speed turned out to be more of a disadvantage than an advantage especially when paired with a regular one. The porc is called a minelayer for a reason and you cant set up your minefield closer to home because they now travels 25% further. It is also harder to land both shots on moving targets.

stabilizers only effect one ā€œtypeā€ of perk. in most builds they have 3 different categories of perks, lets take the blight cabin as an example and its categories are as follows

  • reliability
  • power
  • handling

stabilizers can effect these 3 categories but only be applied to 2 / 3 of them.
what they do is prevent you from rerolling the perk you want into something you dont want.
i think your mistaking them for something else cause it seems to me you think they will help change the perk instead of keep the perk.

but an example, lets say i got mass -17%, delay before self-destruct -20%, and power +20% and i did not want power but instead wanted something likeā€¦ mass limit +10% but wanted to keep the other perks, then id use the stabilizers on the 2 perks mass and self-destruct and leave power untouched so itll change the perk on it. stabilizers dont lock out a specific perk to make your chances of getting the other one higher.

in most other cases people dont have enough stabilizers or just dont care about the other perks.

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The 25 increased projectile speed is a nuisance when paired with a regular porc. If your gonna fuse it is best to have all of the same fusion on average. I was being a moron when I fused my porc.

i upgraded my maces again and used stabsā€¦luckily i got the range of fire i wanted on all 4 maces on the first try :wink:

Gotchaā€¦ I havenā€™t used them, so I only had a cursory understanding of how they work. Thx.

My buddy who fuses porcs has 2 bullet speed porcs and they are his favorite thing in Crossout. He also does great things with them. To each their own I guess.

hah its ok. i know that some people dont know how they work and having a little more insight into them is always a good thing. though i think some people may have been confused as to how they worked. but knowing this can help save you some hassle in the future, and some stabilizers xD

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I assumed you got to pick all the perks. Obviously, Iā€™ve never used them, but kept several of each type figuring I might in the future. As is, I kindaā€™ dig having different perks on the weapons Iā€™ve fused so far. For example, Iā€™ve fused 4 each of sledgehammers & maces. Some of 'em cool off faster than others, so the firing rates start to vary immediately. The result is that instead of firing, then everything overheating, then a pause while they cool off, then the firing starts againā€¦ they fire almost non-stop. I think that causes more of a panic with enemy human players. Even if it doesnā€™t, itā€™s fun. :clown_face: