Why can other players exchange Icarus 7 to Icarus 4 and I don’t have this option…
This option was only available to players who already owned Icarus 7 before they got heavily nerfed
If I remember this right, you could only change 7 to 4 but not 4 to 7 which I was a bit annoyed with as I had 4’s (were way cheaper at a time) and I wanted 7’s for the speed and mobility
But yeah being able to exchange parts was a very weird thing to do, because they have not really offered such an option since and they have been changing parts left and right, I have a few fused dust collectors I never use because of it, would have been cool to get to exchange them to something else that I would use.
Or if the 7 and 4 are so close to each other that you give players the option to be able to switch between them before a major balance change to said parts, why even have 2 parts (and then I remember that other one of them was a pack exclusive and it was just pay2hover or something)
Thing is Icarus IV went way up in price compared to VII’s so you could just sell the IV’s if you wanted to, buy VII’s and have some change left over. That said VII’s were so bad for a while you just couldn’t use them at all, unstable, slow, sluggish and used to bobble around and flip over at random. I swapped out 4 of mine to IV’s just to get a usable hover.
I now have 6 fused VII’s from xmas event for Acceleration efficiency but they still feel slow and sluggish, even with colossus, and they are so fragile they just can’t be used effectively in normal pvp.