This is my latest PVE build. ( I say, latest, it’s been for a while ).
Yeah, i know, i too have a PVE build now…i say now…for a while.
This build had many versions.
I like this build but it’s crap in PVP, the only thing i can apply in it’s in PVE. It’s a change of pace, it can withstand some punishment, all i have to do is turn and shoot, turn and shoot, so, pretty much low effort
But this is not the point, the build itself.
But the experience along the times with the factions ( mainly what type of builds we run and weapons has a big impact in said experience).
Fire starters and Lunatics are very toxic, very close quarters combat and they are stronger, you may have a stronger build but as a collective they will surely win.
I now find myself doing great against them, no problem even with the big bosses, and even if they are chasing me ( as long i have the space required to put between us )
Steppen Wolfs were killers…a long time ago, now they are just food.
Dawn’s children and nomads were always very weak, dawn’s bosses were hard.
Scavengers are hard, they are just resilient… i like them, that.
So, with time, fire starters / lunatics, Steppen wolfs went from hardest to easy.
Scavengers are a lot easier now than before, but they are still hard.
Nowadays Dawn’s bosses and nomads are the hardest for this build, i guess a build for PVE to shine has to have more everything than the bots they face, and it’s not the case with this build, range e.g.
What i have found it’s a AC can do a lot of difference even a single one. did tried with cyclones but they are crap for me, they take a while to caught up and they turn very slow,
I rediscovered the gun powder with rapiers with the 2k heli, rapiers still do something with this build, but i in the end went with AC62.
So why Cyclones and whirls suck and rapiers don’t?
I think, in the end all have to do with ourselves, rapiers and AC62 behave in perfection
with me and the other ones don’t.
It’s not having the biggest and meanest but how we formulate a build.
A build, every build has to be tuned…cause …damn a little thing can do such a difference.