ok idk wtf is going on with the hitboxes of these guns but holy jesus h christ on a fucken pogo stick these things are TERRIBLE!!!
i was in pvp trying to use them and they are so bad that i gaslit myself into thinking i was doing something wrong or that it was just me that was bad but no!
the hitbox for these weapons bullets seems to be all over the damn place. i was up close and personal with a bot using 2 grenade launchers (epic ones) and the trucker cabin, well i could not for the life of me hit the damn weapons on top and i was well within the area of effect for the bullets to hit, literally right beside him driving into him and my bullets would just miss the damn weapons despite having fixed locations for the bullet spread. i also experimented around with range, i was a small distance from my target which the bullets SHOULD HAVE HIT but they didnt, i tested this in the garage at the exact same range that i tried this in pvp and it actually hit several times!
up close and even at a slight distance these guns just dont work. the bullets are all over the place in terms of if they will hit or not and this is absolutely terrible! i had a match where there was no flying units and it was supposed to be a fun match for me but my shotguns just didnt perform. 1 nidhogg and 1 fafnir on my small fast build… i was trying to hit builds twice my size and twice the length of my car with multiple weapons only to just do no damage at all.
seriously can someone else test these out to make sure im not just losing my mind here?
cause this just seems like it shouldnt be possible for these shotguns to be THIS bad.
yeah i know of that one. i posted about them being garbage before but now they seem even more broken then before. like the hitbox is all over the damn place despite the bullets firing in the exact same spot every single time. sometimes i completely whiff a shot up close and its 3 shots per shotgun. they just arent playable!
and this was AFTER the update where they gave them 3 shots per round!
The fun part about Fafnirs is that they’re now better than they were before the changes (triple shot made them better), but they’re still bottom of the barrel trash tier weapons, even within the whole category of shotguns
But yeah it sucks. Fafnirs were never good, and still are not good even if they got slightly better with the changes, but Nidhogs were good and now are not after the changes
On normal Fafnirs I did not do much, now with three-burst I do slightly better than before, hence I think they’re better now than they were before, even if Fafnirs suck in general
Is it the guns that suck, or is it the fact that the devs added jackie and omamori which don’t benefit builds that need more than 2 guns? I blame these two modules because dual gun setups have entirely replaced 3 gun setups. If you want to compete in the niche that shotguns belong to, you are absolutely forced to 1v1 raijins, imugis, millers, cyclones, fatmen, etc. You physically cannot beat these builds with legacy 3-4 gun builds unless you have finwhale and buggy wheels. Unsurprisingly this doesnt work with shotguns because shotgun builds have to maneuver in CQC which means they lose a lot of speed so finwhale doesnt work so well for them. The devs have dug this game into really deep shit because of how they implemented these 3 modules and buggy wheels. If you aren’t using jackie/omamori or finwhale buggy wheel, you will be squashed and displaced like shit out of a horses ass under a carriage wheel. Punishers are another weapon made entirely obsolete by these 2 modules. Here is another point about requiring fewer guns. You don’t need as much powerscore dedicated to gun mounts, so setups with fewer guns often have an extra 200-400ps simply because they can cab mount guns and go full ye-hoo. That ps is 400-800 cab hp or an extra module.
It feels like I am the only person that can see this so clearly.
The projectile speed is the same has cannons like the mammoth. Ever since they removed hitscan my jorms, nidhoggs, fafnirs and junkbows have just been gathering dust in hopes that one day the devs will fix it. You now got to lead the shot with reloading shotguns which is bad enough with mgs and the only way I can land shots with mgs is by paying close attention to where the bullets are going but that don’t work with shotguns. The problem with reloading shotguns are endless, bad hitbox, can’t armour them, easily stripped, got to put your self in risky situations, reduced reload speed from recent update, and has a slower projectile speed than even executioners.
I like the new triple shot thing for Fafnir, and had some fun with a build I made to test out the change. But yes, all shotguns and behaving weird after the projectile update.
I think either the projectile speed is way too slow, or the spread is just two wide.
I’m curious if the new accuracy module will help compensate for this.
To me, they seemed to perform a bit better with Torrero or Hot Rod, ideally with other spread reduction tool.
I feel like on the Fafnir this is the case extra much, because in use it feels like because the gun has an increase accuracy perk, the stock spread is even higher than on other single shot shotguns, so to get a stock accuracy for this weapon type you need to have the perk going halfway, and only when you have the perk fully going you feel any kind of increased effect, while no perk at all you have more spread than these guns do in normal and miss even more.
Like a normal Junkbow/nidhog is more accurate than a fafnir with 0 charge on the perk affecting it, rather than 0 charge fafnir being as accurate as normal junkbow/nidhog
Which coupled with bad range in general just makes for a very bad, ineffective single shot shogun. At least that is how the gun feels like when in use, basically I have never made this gun work in any other way than straight up facehugging and spampanic firing, and even at that it’s not doing a very good job most of the time
I don’t disagree with you, but I also think all the other shotguns I’ve tried seem to also be underperforming.
Gremlins still seem ok, but they’re mostly used while pinning someone, so spread isn’t really as much of an issue.
If you’re trying to get Fafnir’s to work better, buggy wheels help buff that perk. And they’ll also buff the Finwhale perk for even less spread and more durability.
but how wide can it be up close?? i shot at a wall in the garage and seen the bullet spread pattern and its close together when shot at close range and spreads out the further away you get. on the car i was fighting the shots SHOULD HAVE hit their guns knocking them off but it completely missed even when i was right up their bumper. i have a feeling its the spread as well but how can i miss 3 bursts in a row? the gun fires 3 shots per 1 ammo and i didnt just miss with the fafnir but the nidhogg to both aimed at the exact same spot. i even tested this in the garage and i was hitting my shots even up close, but in pvp even up close i was whiffing all the shots i made. even shots at a distance i knew should have hit it just missed as well.
the problem here is that the spread, if it is as you say being more spread out, then more testing will need to be done. because even when i had that 40% accuracy boost on my fafnir it did absolutely nothing and missed even when my reticle was directly on the part i was aiming for. i was the correct distance to and it completely whiffed.
im not on pc im on ps4 and i dont really have a way to post a screenshot here.
There is something very wrong with the spread/trajectory on these, trying to hit on the move really is pot luck sometimes which is infuriating as they are supposed to be used in exactly that way.
Even at point blank face hugging the dps is awful and they get stripped so easily they have absolutely zero usability atm, glad I sold mine.
IMO the issue here is hitscan removal. If shot guns need to have hitscan removed then projectile speed should be increased significantly. It’s not an issue of skill and leading shots, the server is broken and shot guns somehow magnify the issue. As a former Jorm user I feel the pain.
i had a feeling that this is what it might be because when i used fafnirs / nidhoggs back then they were very good to use up close. nowadays it just feels like the bullets dont exist half the time. i used them in pvp and 3/4 of all my shots either missed, did absolutely nothing or just wouldnt register damage at all. or if they did hit the damage would be incredibly low. shotguns like the jorm / fafnir / nidhoggs need to be looked into because they just arent playable.
i absolutely agree with you. i didnt sell my shotguns because i do like the nidhogg / fafnir combo but im hoping that it does get fixed. look above for my info there when i replied to nocturnal qp to see what has been going on with me.
half my shots just dont register at all. i could be the exact distance from someone that my guns should do damage at and… nothing… id shoot and all 3 bursts would miss. if it did hit the damage would be so small it wouldnt even matter. i was even shooting at the trucker cabin bot, you know, the trucker cabin being one of the biggest targets, and the shots would either miss or do minimal damage even when i was face hugging it. even if i was at… idk lets say like 5 - 10m away from a car, a distance i should still be able to hit them, it did nothing at all. like i just shot a blank round. im curious if anyone brought this up on reddit…
Is there any armour in front of your guns? That was an issue on some of my shotgun builds.
And are the shots that you are missing happening while moving?
For me, it’s the shooting while moving that is screwed up with all shotguns.
It could be how movement increases spread, it could be unnaturally slow projectile speed, it could be lag, and it might even be that gun rotation is slower than we think.
One way to narrow it down would be to compare whether Finwhale or Oppressor improves performance more, ideally while using buggy wheels to keep the perks active.
no my guns are in the open. i run a build with little armor and built for speed. sure it has SOME armor on it but for the most part its light weight and built for agility.
my shots miss both while moving and sitting still. even if i have my reticle on the build itself sitting right in the middle of the car i just miss. there were plenty of times where i was going the speed that the perk activated and it just didnt work.
on the trucker cabin build i was fighting, i was literally right beside it my gun full on aimed up at his grenade launchers and it missed. he shot off my nidhogg to because my shots wouldnt land. even when i had only my fafnir the same thing happened. by some fricken miracle i was able to shoot off his guns but… yeah…
pvp seems to vary alot differently then things in the garage so maybe its lag or something? idk…