Features ideas

Once again, the ability to choose which of the active Bedlam rooms we are waiting to enter. Nothing is more fun that being in a room, leaving to change build and then spending the next 20 minutes repeatedly joining and leaving Bedlam because you are put into very other room possible than the one you were in previously and can join in on doing something or show off a build or a thing you were supposed to show someone

New destructible environment objects, that can/could deal damage to near by vehicle’s.
For example:

  • exploding gas tanks ( explosion damage )
  • fuel tanks ( fire damage and heat effect )
  • drone containers ( releasing couple of …whatever drones…maybe specific or random drones )
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Preview of raids and missions from the world map should be more informative about the current tasks.

Also pictures should show exactly what map is ongoing, not like for example the “Crater” it shows close up of machine gun turret and couple of vehicles with water and grass but in fact that map you play 99.9% in the desert sand . Maybe include the radar map even.

Make allied drones, porcs, turrets and other similar stuff have no collision for allies so that chickens using them don’t bring annoying inconvenience to allies.

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The AI bots on teams, please do not give them builds where they can’t aim and fire at anything if they have guns that turn, like for example the minigun bot that can aim mostly forward, with a big cabin at the back, that always has it’s guns pointing at an enemy it can’t shoot and then fiddles around in place because the ai can’t compensate for the fact that even if the guns can rotate and point in the direction of an enemy, it can’t fire them because parts are in the way.

Same with the bot with hurricane and a pyre, most of the time they won’t fire at all even if they could hit something, because they think that the enemy is too close or something and have only been programmed to shoot at people very far away. Just today I watched a match being lost with one of these bots, still equipped with a pyre, perfectly capable of firing it, at proper distance to still hit them even, fiddling around and not firing at two flaming, out of ammo enemies capturing our base, that in the end captured the base while our bot was having a stroke

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Mass fusion ability, so that instead of doing fusions on multiple parts one by one, for example wheels, we don’t have to sink 800 coins into trying to get two light blue wheels with matching fusion perks while playing around with the purposely rigged to make you spend more money fusion system, and can just use six wheels to fuse 2 wheels with the same perks from the get-go.

Or the ability to use more than 1 stabilizers to choose a perk during fusion rather than just locking an option on an already fused item.

I’d have a much higher opinion of this game if every aspect of it was not made in a way that it’s blatantly made to try to get you to spend real life money into the game, or grind for months for something that should not take months of grinding like a light blue supposedly beginner friendly part and its fusion for a whopping -1% in the power drain rather than driving all wonky with more traction in one corner and something completely different on the other corner of the car

I was thinking about this and as much as I’d love that to happen, what would happen if an ally just sat on the area where the turrets were placed? It would unfortunately make it so you could hover over and protect someone’s turrets.

It would probably be better just to allow them not to be stuck to the ground i.e just allow them to be moveable and self flipping or similar would probably be a better option.

You can. Even now. And it wouldn’t work for same reason - they won’t be able to shoot through your craft.
And that only means turrets. What about porcs, yongwang, fortune? My craft regularly gets of course from them, sometimes can even flip.

By hover I meant just sit over the turrets as an ally would have no-collision with them. If they can’t fire when sitting on them it’s better for the enemy but it’s also effectively point denial by an ally. It probably would just be better to make them moveable.

As for the others it happens I got stuck on top of a wheel drone the other day but I could still drive around with it under me. lol…

Same as if your canon is colliding into enemy - you cant shoot. If an ally is staying on the turret, just let it idle. It will not be viable tacktick as turrets have expiration time, so staying on top of it will just substract from its active time.

THAT would be funny exploit if you can build “snow-plow” build, have it collect dozen of turrets and push it to the enemies. You can kind of do it with driving drones already - if you can push them with oyu its quite useful.


I’m pretty sure that’s a programmed exception to keep you from self damaging. As not all weapons behave that way though.

Exploitation of it wouldn’t bother me in the least. I use to love it when people use to shoot their own quad drones with the spike and send them flying into the distance. I thought it was super creative.

It would just be so much better then having them act like a brick wall.

To be honest - yes.
THose turrets are more dangerous to teammates than enemy in many cases. And I think they can spawn underneath you and just lift and block you - at least I have the impression it happened to me couple dozen times.

Fixing the wedge fix so that driving into someones side can stop being wedge 2.0 still can’t move anywhere or do anything

  • The non-fightable version of the BEDLAM map. Or on the BEDLAM map, one region is PVP and one region cannot be fought and only structures are shown.

  • Also allowing trading between friends. For example, my friend has 2 AC72s and he wants to gift one to me.

add a damage counter to the scoreboard at the end of games


The closest thing to that I’ve ever asked for a live point total during matches. I wouldn’t mind seeing what the full dmg count was per player with totals at the end either though.

A point tally during matches would be nice.

Porcs specifically really need to not be able to mess up your allies driving. Like ill be wanting to flood an area with porcs, and my poor ally in front of me is trying to go meet the enemy and my porcs are clipping his wheels and makeing him drive all screwey. And the fact that porcs actually move ally hovers…i dont like that either. It messes up their shots.

But hey. It is what it is. And i can live with that. Id also be ok with allies destroying ally drones and porcs when they drive in to them.