Fix harvesters

The perk basically requires it to be used with a spark or flash. That is terrible for variety.

Take away self damage. It should be immune to ram damage and explosions that it causes. It was bad enough before the huge dura nerf. Now, they fall off way too quickly from being used as designed.

Thanks in advance, devs.


I hate that they depend so much on a spark. Technically fire works too, but not nearly as effective.

Explosion resistance would be handy, but just bumping the durability up would also work.

I haven’t played Harvesters in a very long time. They are essentially useless as is. I keep them around just in case. What can I say? I’m an optimist.

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You just described my entire inventory. I’m glad I have the glass if you get me.

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What PS do you play at? Because I’m going to have to disagree that they are useless.

Below 14k they suck - above 14k you get all the soft hover targets.

Now of course they pretty much suck VS everything but hovers :slight_smile: lol - but it is sure funny to get the messages of people complaining about “No Skill, press W.” When their build busted in two the second you hit them.


That is actually very much my own experience. I rarely play that high. Below that, there are always walkers and train plows that make them pointless for most targets.

Even that high though, I rarely got more than one kill a match… but then, I haven’t played them much since they made chvers so fast and they became the meta. There are probably a lot more targets now.

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Saw this post and broke out the harvester.

Maulers are much better. Course you use 2 more energy to mount two of them so I guess they should be?

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Even the (1 en) enlightenment anti-cloak thing will trigger their perk.


I tried that when we first got that thing, and it did work better than I thought it would.
Going to try annihilators with it soon.

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I could picture those working well.


During one of the events with prebuilt cars, there was a dump truck with annihilators and a harvester, and it was pretty fun to play. Been thinking of doing my own version since then.


Pairing all of these with Harvesters is something that never occurred to me. I’ve had Harvesters for a very long time and have never done this! LOL

I’ve done boosters, tormentor, chameleons…

Geez! Now I’m going to have to go home and dust to those gigantic ugly things off.

Thanks for all the ideas guys.

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If you still have an enlightenment missile, give that a try. Wish I hadn’t scrapped mine.
I always meant to do a harvester build with it that made good use of all the energy I could free up with that combo. Maybe combine it with a flamethrower and a skinner?

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I’ve tried the skinner repeatedly, and just don’t like the thing. Too often, I either miss, or I hit the guy and he ends up behind my Harvesters perfectly safe. Such a dumb weapon. That’s why in the thread about dreaming up your own new weapons, I proposed a mechanical arm of sorts. I know I am not the first one to suggest that. Really wish it would become a reality.

Being able to hold someone in place relative to your position and pull them in would be brilliant.

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Skinners are cool, but very hard to use. With melee builds, I usually don’t shoot the skinner until I smash into them. More about holding them in place than catching them.
The worst is when you miss your target but manage to hit the ground or scenery, and then flip yourself just as you try to ram them. At least it’s a funny way to die. My girlfriend always chuckles when she catches me doing that, even though she mostly ignores the game when I’m playing.

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“I have no idea what you’re talking about” said the bald faced liar.


I actually got my Harvester a long time ago, actually had 2 of them but sold one, I got them when they had more HP and the perk “the longer its in contact the more damage it’ll do type of perk”
But all the doggos played dual harvesters and lances or spark, thus people called for them to get nerfed for being to affective and so they lost HP and got the current perk they have now

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I think they got nerfed because of the plague of sparkvesters in low/mid PS that dominated so many matches for so long.
The devs seem to focus their balancing efforts at mid/low PS, which makes sense to me, and helps explain a lot of their more puzzling decisions.


I saw someone using 3 of them climbing and swinging across the under side of an arch. he just kept using them to reattach and dropped a kapkan. when someone got kapkan’d he shot them with crickets or pyralids. this was before the 4 second nerf though.
Wish i could have captured it then.


I have seen people in videos do spiderman flips over the giant holes in the one map with the 3 holes? They drive off the edge, skinner the bridge as they fall and then swing/flip to the other side.