Flock should cost energy

Flocks should require energy to use, even if it’s 1 per flock. They counter 5 guns in total for free (Pyre, Hurricane, Nest, Trombone, Vulture) for only the charge of pumping money into the game so you have them.

A part that nullifies 5 guns in total should not cost 0 energy. If that’s impossible because of the blunder that Helis were, then it should cost energy on all builds other than Heli

its a part that counters specifically 5 annoying weapons and nothing more and i think they even nerfed it being used as efficient armor

i still find it really odd that they counter vultures…

They should counter caucs, too.

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5 out of how many?

The starfall counters rockets, the Argus counters rockets. If you want a rocket counter that takes energy use those.

At that point they definitely would need to cost energy, it’s bad enough already that you get to counter weapons for free, and especially bad when it counters Trombones, that a lot of the weapons and builds need to even compete with the usual meta builds and easy cheese builds and OP flavor of the pass/month weapons. Not to mention Trombones are also helpful in keeping track and displaying where that one last player just running around the map in stealth etc is, wasting everyone’s time and being annoying.

The guns it counters already were weak to begin with, and now even more so. Not to mention about every gun in the game can be a pseudo-Caucasus with the aim assist turned to the highest setting to begin with

it’s opinions like this that make me feel that we really need to also have a downvote option instead of just the heart

Yeah there is absolutely no reason for them to do so, especially when it’s only reason of existing is the heli mode and who on earth would use vultures in heli mode enough to be such an annoyance they need to be included in the afterthought to counter missile spam helis get, out of being so annoying to deal with in a “genuine” manner

literally everything counters rockets. the environment, mgs, shotguns, flocks, argus, starfall, cyclones, sparks, almost anything you can fire full auto can counter them.
… except in raids because those rockets seem impervious to damage no matter what you throw at them.

yeah they shouldnt. drones are drones not some heat seeking missile. id find it hilarious if the flocks countered fuze drones. they dont, but i would laugh so hard if they did. :joy: