Forced Clan/Butchered Badges. Here hawe some facts ppl hate it

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


I hope so coz all my beginner friends are telling me :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: you everytime i ask them to come back



Marketing department when they find out you cant delete reviews from steam


Well, for hope, here’s all I have…

Over on Reddit, the moderator there is apparently actually an employee of Targem.
He posted that he flew to the studio from Moscow to deal with this debacle.
So, at least we can assume they’re freaking out over it enough to have their Reddit moderator (I’m sure he fulfills other duties, too) fly from Moscow where he lives to Yekaterinburg.

We probably shouldn’t expect any changes before Sunday night since that’s when the challenge schedule resets anyway. Even with the update hitting Thursday, the new challenge nonsense didn’t hit until Sunday night.

I also got a private message from some dude I’ve never heard from before on Reddit asking me & others to chill because he had it in good authority that there would be fixes. It might not be ALL of the old weeklies plus ALL of the new ones, but some sort of compromise. Confidence is low on that private message (chat), though.

Outside of that… I hear Roblox 2 is supposed to be pretty good. :face_vomiting:


It is funny how baldurs gate 3 broke all sales and review records becouse they released a game whitout malicius microtransactions and pay2win stuff gaijin week after screws up all beginner and free to players just like hawing a mandatory packs for part limit in the shop with several battle pases isn’t enough
i guess ppl never learn from good examples


i totally agree! not only are paying players like myself are forced to play with noobs! but also forced to Clan Wars which i have no use for, which will only resualt in… if you leave or get kicked from a clan you loose your earned pionts. this is total BS! i want my money back since this game just went to hell.


i personally spend around 10$ in this game and becouse of this update i actually regret every cent spent even tho 10$ is a tiny amount of money


down to 43% now


Can any help? i am unable to find any of my latest comments, they were there yesterday and now gone. I have all the older discussions showing up, but the latest saying how solo players have lost 2500 badges have gone. I keep looking, however just a recap, why can’t solo players still have the weekly challenges? again i’m not saying remove the extra challenges for clans, by all means, give the clans extra, just leave solo players with something.


already done my review


You mean comments here are gone?


oh no, nonono, this is bad, very bad! do you know how dangerous it is to fly in russia? the planes arent maintained, replacement parts are missing. there is also this old, famous russian saying which goes something like: “dont fly or youll die, just like prigo the dead bastard!”

i think theyre trying to get rid of “the problem” by shooting the messenger, you know, in the plane, before it crashes to get rid of the evidence.

sadly its not unheard of in this forum, not at all my good sir! i myself have been a victim of cyberbullying by various forum old timers. flagging posts and spam reporting to charly, our mother, our provider! oh, may he be just!

I believe employees from the company are cleaning up the negative reviews by flagging and removing or whatever.

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If they are, they need to be better at it over on Steam. It’s down to 42…

The rate is slowing, though. That first week’s drop was amazing.


Hate the update. PS4 player prestige 215+ been playing for years. Not done a CW since early 2020.

Made my own Band for a week. Got 200 badges solo to add to my 42k saved. Disbanded it. Not interested in playing with others. Play time this week down to finishing dailies on patrol and logging out. No point.


Steam rating down to 39% now. You would have thought the Devs might have got it that Solo players don’t want to be part of a team or clan, so why not just restore the old weeklies and badges for the solo players.