so i wanted to talk a little about frames and ask a few questions regarding them.
first and foremost, frames are supposed to be the base for a vehicle and you can mount things on them like wheels and parts. so why, when vehicles flip over, are they so easy to knock off in pretty much one or two shots, but when i hit them from the side they just shrug off the damage?? do cars take triple the damage or something when they are flipped over?? cause it seems to me when i flip someone they take a ton more damage then they do right side up.
also why cant we mount stuff under our frames?? we can mount parts on top of and on the sides of frames, so why not under them?? would this make them to overpowered?
also why dont frames have melee resistances? if you use melee then the frames just get chewed apart in no time, are we expected to have our wheels / tracks / legs take all the damage?
Your frames have 35% ram resistance 25% melee resistance and 75% passthrough. Outside of high dmg ticks from melee I can’t say why they get eaten so fast. You have a range of 18 to 240 points of durability with them so depending on the frame part it’s not like they are lumps of durability on them.
Is it me or there is a huge bot invasion…
bella is clearly a bot using chatGPT.
For the main point : Frame are not particularly less durable when flipped. As Dirty_Hamster said the boast some of the best defensive stats for their weight (except against melee).
My guess is they feel that way because of two things :
-First you can’t place anything under them so if you are flipped they are a very easy target with nothing to protect them. From the sides they are tiny and there are wheel that are also pretty strong that can absorb hits. The hitboxes aren’t perfectly on the objects and what can seem to be a direct hit on a frame may have been absorbed by a wheel with a hitbox larger than the model.
-Second they are pass through. 75% of the damage dealt will go to the part behind and sometimes generators and other explosives are mounted directly on the frames. If one of those explodes on a hit that passed through the frame, it’s probable the frame won’t resist the initial damages plus the explosion.
yep and thank god thats gone. i knew it was a bot typing that message.
im aware they pass though 75% of the damage, but when i had someone flipped upside down i shot the bottom of the car on the frame and the frame just popped off. even on the right side up and on a very wide 8x4 frame i didnt hit any wheels and hit the frame directly but it took several hits to take off as opposed to it flipped on its side. triple hit from a spike didnt take it off rightside up but upside down it took it off like melted butter.