Free to Play Psychology & CrossOut

I’m here for different reasons. Sometimes it’s for “making a vehicle”, even with this limited redactor we have,

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Forget Minecraft, it is Legos! Minecraft is Legos too for that matter!


i was thinking the same thing, too. Then, I remembered before those it was Tinker Toys, before Lincoln Logs. Crossout is a 21st century evolutionary branch of it all.


One of the nice things about having sons is that I still get to play with legos! LOL

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Ye but it’s a neutered and clipped one. Terratech is more like it. You don’t have some ridiculous restrictions there — in terms of Lego constructing.

my cat’s neutered. You trying to say that making sure things don’t get too out of hand is a bad thing?

Just remember to never refer to your cat as “fixed.” I’m sure I wouldn’t think I’d been “fixed” if that’d happened to me. :joy_cat: :smiley_cat: :wink:


did you know that “Putting in the fix” or “Getting fixed” is slang coined by mobsters in the 1930’s-40’s? In fact, much of our American Terminology stems from mobster slang, and is a direct reflection of who has more sway over certain geographical areas. We either talk properly, or we talk in slang, depending on who we trust more, our authorities or our “family”. I only learned that about 7-8 years ago.

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I’m a Teamster (whether I like that fact or not).

I choose my words carefully in certain company. :grimacing:


oh my the tears flowed, thanks, awsome.

My uncle was a Teamster. He did a lot of port deliveries. Dunno what that has to do with anything.

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I’d been a member of local 324 for YEARS, I got nothing against unions, just not a part of one at this stage in life. I can talk like a hood-rat or I can talk like a delegate…I love being able to speak to all walks of life, that’s for sure, so I like learning where words and terms spawn from. All of it helps me with my writing, character creation, dialogue. All that stuff.


My uncle had the steering wheel from his truck given him when he retired. He was the oldest, so I don’t remember him much. But I remember him bringing stuff back from Seattle and the steering wheel above his chair on the wall. Like most people hang deer antlers or stuff like that.


Look up their history… From where I’m sitting, I don’t think they’ve changed much. I’ve been instructed which pockets I should line if I “want the good work” and learned who is untouchable.

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now that i am thinking about it, I think they bought him his own truck or something and the steering wheel was out of that truck.
this is back in the early 80’s or late 70’s.

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I’m saying XO is a bad Lego-ish example.

I don’t know how you got that out of my words but stop imagining things.

I’m a very literal person, and I got that you were being metaphorical in saying Crossout is a bad version of legos, less-than. I got that. I’m just messing with how you chose to word it by using a neutral word (neutered) to try and describe something negatively. No imagination needed.

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It is neutral. My post is a fact statement. It doesn’t have to be negative, as you imagined.

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It’s okay to misunderstand each other.

Don’t take it as an insult, but a chance for clarification. :innocent:


I had to dig this post up…

They removed the need to play PVE to do the dailies.
Is PVE on its way out?

If so, I’ll probably just quit playing altogether. It’s easily 1/2 the matches I play, now. My fave builds are shotgun builds, and if I go PVP with them, I’m literally always one of the weakest 2 players.

Your comment now has an ominous aire to it.


lol they can’t figure out how to make them not boring for players… I have a feeling this has more to do with making it easier to get the 40 dailies than it does getting rid of PVE. I remember when I use to not raid it was spotty if ever that I get that reward.

I actually really dig the PVE in the game, It’s fun for me to try to remember each bots weak spots across each PS and then try to figure out faster ways of dispatching them. The awakening area could be a lot of fun too if they just invested some effort into it.