Fused Builds for 2 or more players

How do you guys build and test them the best way? I mean joining a match and look if your parts matching is the wrong way because you mess up the match if the dont fit.

2 players in custom battle

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When I was building one with an ex-forum member, we used the custom battle function to test.
We used a rift module to separate the “passenger” vehicle from the stilts that were holding it up, once the “carrier” vehicle was in place.

Lots of fun!

I use adventure mode. Also, I always advice to use the scoop up method rather than a hangman contraption if possible.

I use awakening, so we can test against bots. Just my preference though, plus i haven’t had a rift in a while.

I play fused builds with another guy; occasionally a third player joins for a 3-piece fusion. It’s not my favorite thing, and I try to limit it to no more than one or two sessions a week. I usually play the front end and he plays the back end, and he controls the steering and where we go.

I let him build the original 2 sections. He sends me my half, and then I customize it as needed. We don’t use the rift thing. We test the linkage in adventure mode BUT results are often different on other maps. If you wind up on a map where the ground is not PERFECTLY even, you could waste up to a minute just trying to connect, costing you the match (and pissing off the rest of the team). When we do good, we do great, but when we don’t do good, we fail miserably.

I’ve attempted to recruit Fuzzthehamster (above) to take my place :crazy_face:, but he’s less than cooperative. :unamused:

I don’t have the coins/rift module/cool stuff i need for fusions :sob:

My brother in Christ it is only 100 coin (last time I checked)

I’m poor, okay? I sorry :sob:

yeah we spent like 5 hours trying to make a build with no rift