Anyone else take notice how the game seems to only crash mid-battle usually right after you, one way or the other, absolutely humiliate a random player
Like an enemy player with Swarms rushes and you manage to get your hover build on top of said player so that he can’t shoot or move much, and a teammate finishes him off, suddenly game crash
You manage to sneak up on a ranged hover build with scorps or Pulsars and he ends up missing all his shots while you ram into him to throw off his aim and just whittle away his health, suddenly game crash
Get a lucky cannon shot halfway across the map and blast someone with an ammo box/generator pop, suddenly game crashes
Manage to shoot off movement parts on a rush/ram/drone build and then just take pot shots at him to finish him off, suddenly game crashes
The fact that my game only seems to crash when I am doing good out of nowhere just adds to my speculation that there is some way out there to cause a specific players game to crash through some form of cheating, based on how crashing only seems to happen at butthurt moments, completely unrelated to anything else you would suspect to cause crashes like too much explosions/flame happening at one or too many drones