A suggestion for Devs. Why not to try to make modes with only certain rarity of parts. Lets say the battle only with special parts and no others or just epic parts and no others or lets say only legendary (except moving parts)
here’s my “2 cents”…
use PS as a limiter, such as:
- 5.5K or less PS - only common, rare and special tier equipment
- 5.5 to 7.5K PS - no legendary or relic equipment
- 7.5 to 9.5K PS - no relic equipment
- 9.5K+ PS - anything goes…
it would offer some degree of fairness and be more easier on the community (as small as it is… )
ps. the numbers are just for explanation’s sake…doesn’t have to be those values, just along those lines…
also, equipment means anything from that category exept paints, decor, and stickers…
From my experience at low PS, I never found legendaries and relics to be very problematic. Yes those pack a punch but to keep them at low PS you have to either have less of them or sacrifice a lot of durability and versatility.
I feel that “pushed” epic are way more problematic (hello raijin).
A scorpion (for example) is 3600 PS. If you pay one compared to using 12 energy worth of purple (1650) it’s almost a 2k ps difference. If you manage to be only 7k ps with a scorp, you will either face people that use 24 energy worth of epic weapon which will be often better.
It’s easy to see that in competitive mode. In confrontation there are almost 0 relics and as many epic weapons as there are legendary weapons.
People often greatly underestimate the cost associated with high ps parts. Many great confrontation builds use rare and special parts instead of epic ones because saving 200 or 300 ps can mean adding a few extra layers to protect the build. For weapons specifically it’s rare to go on the low end because less durability is a bit too dangerous against sniper type builds but it’s not a given to use the higher tier you can.
I really feel that most of the time, at low ps, an optimised build with blue and teal parts will trash a skeleton build using a legendary or a relic and basically nothing else.